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發(fā)布時間:2020-12-16 17:46
  Michael Lewis在1993年首次提出了詞塊教學法。Lewis認為,語言并非由傳統(tǒng)的語法和詞匯組成,而是由詞塊組成。詞塊是一種介于詞匯和語法之間的,有一定的語用和語法功能、形式上較為固定的多詞詞匯現(xiàn)象。研究表明,在英語寫作中,適當運用詞塊不僅有助于克服母語負遷移的障礙,提高語言表達的準確性和地道性,也有利于增加寫作的流利性。因此,本研究將詞塊教學法應用到高中英語寫作教學中,旨在探究詞塊教學法對高中生英語寫作準確性、流利性和復雜性的影響。具體地說,本文提出了以下三個研究問題:(1)詞塊教學法對高中生英語寫作的準確性有何影響?(2)詞塊教學法對高中生英語寫作的流利性有何影響?(3)詞塊教學法對高中生英語寫作的復雜性有何影響?本實驗在石家莊市潤德學校高二年級的兩個平行班中開展進行。在實驗班,教師引入詞塊教學法,注重培養(yǎng)學生的詞塊意識,引導學生識別、鞏固、積累和應用詞塊。控制班使用常規(guī)的教學方法,教師不對詞塊作過多強調。在實驗前后,筆者都對實驗對象進行了寫作測試,并用L2SCA軟件計算出寫作樣本的準確性,流利性和復雜性,最后輸入SPSS軟件進行分析。數(shù)據(jù)分析表明,實驗班學生的寫作準確性... 

【文章來源】: 趙慧 河北師范大學

【文章頁數(shù)】:77 頁


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research background
    1.2 Research purpose and significance
    1.3 Thesis framework
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Lexical chunks
        2.1.1 Definitions of lexical chunks
        2.1.2 Classifications of lexical chunks
    2.2 Lexical Approach
        2.2.1 The development of Lexical Approach
        2.2.2 Key principles of Lexical Approach
        2.2.3 Activities and exercises in Lexical Approach
    2.3 Researches on the application of Lexical Approach into writing
        2.3.1 Researches on the application of Lexical Approach into writing abroad
        2.3.2 Researches on the application of Lexical Approach into writing at home
    2.4 Theoretical foundations
        2.4.1 Psychological linguistics foundations
        2.4.2 Language acquisition theory foundations
Chapter Three Research Methodology
    3.1 Research questions
    3.2 Participants
    3.3 Research instruments
    3.4 Research procedures
        3.4.1 Pre-test
        3.4.2 Experiment
        3.4.3 Post-test
    3.5 Data collection and analysis
    3.6 A sample lesson plan
Chapter Four Results and Discussions
    4.1 The effect of Lexical Approach on writing accuracy
        4.1.1 Results of writing accuracy in the pre-test of EC and CC
        4.1.2 Results of writing accuracy in the post-test of EC and CC
        4.1.3 Discussions of the effect of lexical approach on writing accuracy
    4.2 The effect of Lexical Approach on writing fluency
        4.2.1 Results of writing fluency in the pre-test of EC and CC
        4.2.2 Results of writing fluency in the post-test of the EC and CC
        4.2.3 Discussions of the effect of lexical approach on writing fluency
    4.3 The effect of Lexical Approach on writing complexity
        4.3.1 Results of writing complexity in the pre-test of EC and CC
        4.3.2 Results of writing complexity in the post-test of EC and CC
        4.3.3 Discussions of the effect of lexical approach on writing complexity
Chapter Five Conclusion
    5.1 Major findings
    5.2 Pedagogical implications
    5.3 Limitations of the study and suggestions for further study
    Appendix Ⅰ Pre-test paper
    Appendix Ⅱ Post-test paper
    Appendix Ⅲ Samples of students’compositions

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