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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-04-23 12:40
【摘要】: 教育的希望系于教師,教育問(wèn)題的瓶頸在于教師如何面對(duì)他的教育生活。對(duì)教師生存狀況的關(guān)注,是對(duì)整個(gè)教育最根本的關(guān)注。小學(xué)教師職業(yè)幸福感是教師職業(yè)生活的重要內(nèi)容,也是衡量其工作生活質(zhì)量的重要指標(biāo)。關(guān)注這一主題,不僅有助于提高小學(xué)教師工作生活質(zhì)量,而且有助于提高小學(xué)教育質(zhì)量。本研究綜合使用文獻(xiàn)法、問(wèn)卷法、訪談法,對(duì)上海和泰州地區(qū)教師職業(yè)幸福感的現(xiàn)狀、影響因素等問(wèn)題進(jìn)行研究,并在此基礎(chǔ)上提出提高小學(xué)教師職業(yè)幸福感的方法和措施。 本論文主要研究結(jié)論是:上海和泰州地區(qū)教師幸福感狀況處于中等水平,情況并不理想,一半以上的教師并不能從教師這一職業(yè)中體會(huì)到職業(yè)幸福感。上海地區(qū)教師職業(yè)幸福感比泰州地區(qū)教師低,并且存在顯著性差異。隨著小學(xué)教師年齡的增長(zhǎng),教師的職業(yè)幸福感存在顯著性差異。小學(xué)教師職稱(chēng)越高,壓力越大,幸福感水平越低。任教不同科目的教師其職業(yè)幸福感存在顯著性差異。任教年級(jí)不同,其幸福感存在顯著差異。低年級(jí)教師的幸福感最高。教師的工資待遇、工作壓力、工作本身、社會(huì)對(duì)教師的高期望、家長(zhǎng)的不配合、學(xué)生的素質(zhì)因素影響了教師的職業(yè)幸福感的獲得,令教師比較滿意的是學(xué)校領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的風(fēng)格,學(xué)校的校園環(huán)境以及同事關(guān)系。教師自己心中對(duì)自己職業(yè)的評(píng)價(jià)是影響教師幸福感的一個(gè)因素,教師對(duì)自己評(píng)價(jià)越低,幸福感也越低。教師擇業(yè)動(dòng)機(jī)、專(zhuān)業(yè)自主發(fā)展的需要、堅(jiān)持從教原因都會(huì)影響教師的幸福感。 教師獲得職業(yè)幸福感的主要原因是:教師擁有積極的擇業(yè)動(dòng)機(jī)、對(duì)教師職業(yè)的喜愛(ài)、學(xué)校人性化的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)管理、領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的支持和肯定、良好的人際氛圍、孩子對(duì)教師的關(guān)心和愛(ài)、學(xué)生的純真、學(xué)生的成長(zhǎng)和教師教學(xué)中的成就感、專(zhuān)業(yè)發(fā)展。教師幸福感失落的原因是:社會(huì)地位不高、家長(zhǎng)的不支持和不尊重、教師生活狹隘、組織管理和教學(xué)自主的沖突、工作壓力過(guò)大、教師的角色沖突引發(fā)的不滿。 為了提高小學(xué)教師職業(yè)幸福感,社會(huì)應(yīng)該奉持合理的教師角色期望、建立社會(huì)支持網(wǎng)絡(luò),保障教師職業(yè)生涯中的正當(dāng)權(quán)益、提高教師的報(bào)酬待遇、教師專(zhuān)業(yè)自主權(quán)的回歸。學(xué)校應(yīng)該提倡發(fā)展性的教師評(píng)價(jià)制度、領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者要善于創(chuàng)造教師展現(xiàn)自我的舞臺(tái)、學(xué)校中應(yīng)該建立學(xué)習(xí)型組織。對(duì)教師自身而言,教師應(yīng)該在與交往對(duì)象中精神相遇、在創(chuàng)造性教學(xué)中體驗(yàn)幸福、在教育科研中超越自我、在專(zhuān)業(yè)成長(zhǎng)中體驗(yàn)幸福、教師要擁有閑暇和獨(dú)處的時(shí)間。
[Abstract]:The hope of education lies in the teacher. The bottleneck of the education problem is how the teacher faces his educational life. The attention to the teachers' living condition is the most fundamental concern to the whole education. Primary school teachers' professional well-being is not only an important content of teachers' professional life, but also an important index to measure the quality of their work and life. Paying attention to this theme will not only improve the quality of work and life of primary school teachers, but also improve the quality of primary education. This study comprehensively uses literature, questionnaire and interview methods to study the current situation and influencing factors of teachers' occupational well-being in Shanghai and Taizhou, and puts forward some methods and measures to improve the teachers' professional well-being in primary schools. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: teachers' well-being in Shanghai and Taizhou is in the middle level, and the situation is not ideal, and more than half of the teachers can not experience the professional well-being from the teachers' profession. The occupational well-being of teachers in Shanghai was lower than that in Taizhou, and there was significant difference. With the age of primary school teachers, there is a significant difference in teachers' occupational well-being. The higher the title of primary school teacher, the greater the pressure, and the lower the level of happiness. There is a significant difference in occupational well-being among teachers in different subjects. There are significant differences in happiness between different teaching grades. Lower-grade teachers have the highest happiness. Teachers' salary, work pressure, work itself, society's high expectations for teachers, parents' lack of cooperation, students' quality factors affect the acquisition of teachers' professional well-being, and what teachers are more satisfied with is the style of school leadership. The campus environment of the school and the relationship between co-workers. Teachers' own assessment of their profession is a factor that affects teachers' well-being. The lower the teachers' evaluation of themselves, the lower their well-being. Teachers' motivation to choose a job, the need for professional self-development, and the reasons for persisting in teaching will affect teachers' well-being. The main reasons for teachers' occupational well-being are: teachers have positive motivation to choose a job, love for teachers' profession, humanized leadership management in schools, support and affirmation from leaders, good interpersonal atmosphere, and children's concern and love for teachers. Students' innocence, students' growth and teachers' sense of achievement in teaching, professional development. The reasons for the loss of teachers' happiness are: social status is not high, parents do not support and disrespect, teachers' life is narrow, the conflict between organization, management and teaching autonomy, too much pressure on work, teachers' role conflict caused by dissatisfaction. In order to improve the professional well-being of primary school teachers, society should hold reasonable expectations of teachers' role, set up social support network, protect teachers' legitimate rights and interests in their careers, improve teachers' remuneration and return to teachers' professional autonomy. Schools should advocate a developmental teacher evaluation system, leaders should be good at creating a stage for teachers to show themselves, and learning organizations should be set up in schools. For teachers themselves, teachers should experience happiness in creative teaching, surmount themselves in education and scientific research, experience happiness in professional growth, and have leisure time and solitude time for teachers to meet the spirit of communication objects, to experience happiness in creative teaching, to surpass themselves in educational research and to experience happiness in professional growth.


相關(guān)碩士學(xué)位論文 前1條

1 姚雪;中學(xué)教師間人際沖突現(xiàn)狀及調(diào)控研究[D];西南大學(xué);2008年





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