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發(fā)布時間:2019-03-09 09:05
【摘要】:問題行為不利于青少年身心健康發(fā)展,阻礙了青少年學(xué)生社會化、個性和認(rèn)知的發(fā)展,影響教育教學(xué)工作的正常進(jìn)行。青少年問題行為備受國內(nèi)外研究者關(guān)注,但國內(nèi)少有研究探討其與家庭環(huán)境、學(xué)校環(huán)境的關(guān)系,且已有研究多以14歲以下的兒童青少年為研究對象。 本研究采用問卷調(diào)查法,抽取湖南省在校中學(xué)生為研究對象,對其問題行為現(xiàn)狀及與家庭環(huán)境、學(xué)校環(huán)境的關(guān)系進(jìn)行分析和探討。研究結(jié)果表明: (1) 湖南地區(qū)中學(xué)生存在普遍的考試焦慮和學(xué)習(xí)適應(yīng)不良問題,攻擊行為、違紀(jì)行為和退縮行為相對要少;問題行為總體上隨年級升高而增加。 (2) 學(xué)校來源與初高中對學(xué)習(xí)適應(yīng)不良、攻擊行為、違紀(jì)行為以及外傾問題的交互效應(yīng)顯著,初高中與性別對違紀(jì)行為的交互效應(yīng)顯著;學(xué)校來源對退縮、神經(jīng)質(zhì)、考試焦慮以及內(nèi)傾問題的主效應(yīng)極其顯著,初高中對退縮、神經(jīng)質(zhì)以及內(nèi)傾問題的主效應(yīng)極其顯著,性別對神經(jīng)質(zhì)、考試焦慮以及外傾問題的主效應(yīng)顯著。 (3) 中學(xué)生各類問題行為與家庭環(huán)境和學(xué)校情景大部分因子呈顯著相關(guān),并能被家庭環(huán)境和學(xué)校情景部分因子預(yù)測。 (4) 家庭矛盾性、娛樂性、學(xué)校課業(yè)以及自我緯度對外傾問題既有直接影響,又以內(nèi)傾問題為中介變量間接影響外傾問題;學(xué)校師生緯度和同學(xué)緯度以內(nèi)傾問題為中介變量,間接影響外傾問題。
[Abstract]:Problem behavior is not conducive to the development of adolescents' physical and mental health, hinders the development of socialization, personality and cognition of adolescent students, and affects the normal progress of education and teaching. Adolescent problem behavior has attracted much attention from researchers at home and abroad, but there are few studies in China to discuss its relationship with family environment and school environment, and most of the studies have been focused on children and adolescents under 14 years of age. In this study, the present situation of problem behavior and the relationship between problem behavior and family environment and school environment were analyzed and discussed by means of questionnaire survey and middle school students in Hunan province were selected as the object of study. The results show that: (1) Middle school students in Hunan province have the common problems of test anxiety and poor learning adaptation, aggressive behavior, violation of discipline and withdrawal behavior are relatively less; The problem behavior generally increases with the grade rise. (2) the interaction effects of school source and junior high school on learning maladjustment, aggressive behavior, discipline violation and extroversion were significant, and the interaction between junior high school and gender was significant. The main effects of school sources on withdrawal, neuroticism, test anxiety and introversion were extremely significant, the primary effects of junior high school on withdrawal, neuroticism and introversion, and gender to neuroticism. The main effects of test anxiety and extroversion were significant. (3) all kinds of problem behaviors of middle school students are significantly correlated with most of the factors of family environment and school situation, and can be predicted by some factors of family environment and school situation. (4) the problems of family contradiction, entertainment, school work and self-latitude extroversion not only have direct influence, but also indirectly affect extroversion problems as intermediary variables; The students' latitude and students' latitude are intermediate variables, which indirectly affect the problem of extroversion.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前4條

1 劉建萍;;青少年問題行為相關(guān)研究綜述[J];才智;2010年34期

2 司申麗;;青少年問題行為與家庭環(huán)境、父母教養(yǎng)方式的關(guān)系研究[J];社會心理科學(xué);2013年02期

3 張燕貞;隋雪;肖壯偉;;中學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)社會適應(yīng)及其影響因素[J];中國組織工程研究與臨床康復(fù);2007年52期

4 陳道ng;姚玉華;俞愛青;周峰;劉慶元;李瑞昌;;家庭環(huán)境與社區(qū)青少年暴力攻擊行為的關(guān)系及影響因素分析[J];現(xiàn)代預(yù)防醫(yī)學(xué);2011年14期

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1 張素蕙;中職生問題行為調(diào)查及對策研究[D];河北師范大學(xué);2011年

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3 王曉娟;高中生心理壓力問題及其對策研究[D];蘇州大學(xué);2011年

4 秦安美瑜;閑散青少年問題行為成因研究[D];山西師范大學(xué);2012年

5 劉建萍;農(nóng)村中學(xué)生問題行為與社會支持的關(guān)系研究[D];四川師范大學(xué);2011年

6 吳浩生;深圳市青少年健康危險行為實(shí)證研究[D];中南大學(xué);2007年

7 劉愛紅;中學(xué)生問題行為及其與自尊、社會支持關(guān)系的研究[D];湖南師范大學(xué);2008年

8 林靜;大學(xué)生危險行為及影響因素研究[D];中南大學(xué);2008年





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