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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-17 08:05
【摘要】:情感教育在大力提倡素質(zhì)教育的今天已成為教育理論和實踐所關(guān)注的“熱點”話題之一。情感教育是教育過程的一部分,它關(guān)注教育過程中學(xué)生的態(tài)度、情緒、情感以及信念,還有對學(xué)生自尊、個人發(fā)展和社會發(fā)展的關(guān)注,以促進學(xué)生個體的和諧發(fā)展和整個社會的健康發(fā)展。(朱小蔓)簡言之,情感教育“不僅僅是以情感來促進教育,,更強調(diào)要教育情感本身,情緒感受自身就是要教育的內(nèi)容!彼,情感教育就是在各種教育活動中,有效的激活并利用師生的積極情感,從而使學(xué)生感受各種情緒情感,并體驗到愉快的教育;不僅要注意教育過程,如學(xué)生之間的關(guān)系、師生之間的關(guān)系、課堂教學(xué)的氣氛和學(xué)校教育氣氛,也要注重教育結(jié)果,如學(xué)生的技能、傾向和行為。這種情感教育具有創(chuàng)造性、靈活性、興趣性的特征。 情感教育的功能體現(xiàn)在教學(xué)中,它有助于形成學(xué)生健全的人格;可以影響和調(diào)節(jié)認(rèn)知過程;可以維護和提高學(xué)生身心健康水平。因而在教學(xué)中實施情感教育對培養(yǎng)全面和諧發(fā)展的新一代起著舉足輕重的作用。在討論實施情感教育的策略之前,對教學(xué)中的情感因素作以系統(tǒng)性分析。從靜態(tài)角度分析,教學(xué)中的各個要素都有豐富的情感;從動態(tài)角度分析,當(dāng)教師和學(xué)生在教學(xué)目的的指引下圍繞著教材內(nèi)容展開教學(xué)活動的時候,這些情感因素便在教學(xué)情境中被激活,并以情感信息的形式在師生間流動,從而形成教學(xué)中情感交流的動態(tài)網(wǎng)絡(luò)。 對教學(xué)中情感因素進行分析的基礎(chǔ)上提出實施策略,根據(jù)施教者在教育中的主導(dǎo)地位,實施情感教育的策略也是從施教者的角度以宏觀、微觀兩方面提出的。在宏觀上:1、明確教學(xué)目的,轉(zhuǎn)變教育觀念,調(diào)整教學(xué)評價方案。實施情感教育的關(guān)鍵是轉(zhuǎn)變觀念,只有改變以往以分?jǐn)?shù)作為唯一標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的評價方案,才能有望使學(xué)生在各方面得到全面和諧發(fā)展;2、在教學(xué)中加強心理教育與咨詢,關(guān)注學(xué)生中存在的普遍厭學(xué)問題,注重學(xué)生的自身和諧發(fā)展;3、在教學(xué)中創(chuàng)設(shè)良好的教學(xué)環(huán)境,使學(xué)生在和諧、融洽、信任的心理環(huán)境中愉快地學(xué)習(xí);4、充分發(fā)揮音、體、美教育的獨特功能。就微觀方面講,實施策略要求教師做到四點:1.在教學(xué)中調(diào)整好自身的情緒狀態(tài);2.在教學(xué)中充分展示教材的情感因素;3.在教學(xué)中愛護學(xué)生的自尊心和自信心;4.在教學(xué)活動中注意教學(xué)手段上的藝術(shù)性等。
[Abstract]:Nowadays, emotional education has become one of the hot topics in educational theory and practice. Emotional education is part of the educational process, which focuses on the attitudes, emotions, emotions and beliefs of middle school students, as well as their self-esteem, personal development and social development. In order to promote the harmonious development of individual students and the healthy development of the whole society. (Zhu Xiaoman) in short, emotional education "not only promotes education with emotion, but also emphasizes the education of emotion itself, and emotional feeling itself is the content of education." Therefore, emotional education is to effectively activate and utilize the positive feelings of teachers and students in all kinds of educational activities, so that students can feel various emotional feelings and experience happy education. We should not only pay attention to the educational process, such as the relationship between students, teachers and students, the atmosphere of classroom teaching and the atmosphere of school education, but also pay attention to the educational results, such as students' skills, tendencies and behaviors. This emotional education is characterized by creativity, flexibility and interest. The function of affective education is embodied in teaching, it helps to form students' sound personality, can influence and regulate the cognitive process, and can maintain and improve the students' physical and mental health. Therefore, the implementation of emotional education in teaching plays an important role in cultivating a new generation of comprehensive and harmonious development. Before discussing the strategies of implementing affective education, this paper makes a systematic analysis of the affective factors in teaching. From the static point of view, every element of teaching has rich emotion; From the dynamic point of view, when teachers and students carry out teaching activities around the content of teaching materials under the guidance of teaching purpose, these emotional factors are activated in the teaching context and flow between teachers and students in the form of emotional information. In order to form a dynamic network of emotional communication in teaching. Based on the analysis of the affective factors in teaching, the implementation strategy is put forward. According to the dominant position of the teacher in education, the strategy of implementing emotional education is also put forward from the perspective of the teacher in macro and micro aspects. On the macro level: 1. Make clear the teaching aim, change the education idea, adjust the teaching evaluation plan. The key to the implementation of emotional education is to change the concept. Only by changing the evaluation scheme which used scores as the sole criterion can students be expected to develop harmoniously in all aspects. 2.Strengthening psychological education and consultation in teaching, paying attention to the general problem of weariness in students and paying attention to the harmonious development of students themselves; (3) to create a good teaching environment in order to make the students learn happily in the harmonious, harmonious and trusting psychological environment, and (4) to give full play to the unique functions of sound, physical and aesthetic education. On the micro aspect, the implementation strategy requires teachers to do four things: 1. Adjust their own emotional state in teaching; 2. Fully display the emotional factors of teaching materials; 3. Take care of students' self-esteem and self-confidence in teaching; 4. Pay attention to the artistry of teaching methods in teaching activities.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前3條

1 倪瑞花;;情感教育在課堂教學(xué)中的滲透[J];科技信息;2010年28期

2 劉媛媛;;打造情感型的英語課堂[J];學(xué)苑教育;2012年13期

3 趙玲;;對化工防火課群課程引入情感式教學(xué)的探討[J];科技資訊;2010年25期

相關(guān)碩士學(xué)位論文 前8條

1 曲建平;情感教學(xué)法在高中思想政治課教學(xué)中的運用[D];山東師范大學(xué);2011年

2 姚俊華;基于信息技術(shù)的情感教育策略研究[D];陜西師范大學(xué);2011年

3 王相泉;高中物理教學(xué)中實施情感態(tài)度價值觀教育的研究[D];江西師范大學(xué);2007年

4 王正慧;高中數(shù)學(xué)情感教學(xué)的探討與研究[D];廣西師范大學(xué);2007年

5 王凱;大學(xué)英語教學(xué)中情感因素的研究[D];延邊大學(xué);2007年

6 朱英;初中物理滲透“情感、態(tài)度與價值觀”實踐模式研究[D];上海師范大學(xué);2012年

7 周潔琦;中學(xué)思想品德課實施情感教育的研究[D];內(nèi)蒙古師范大學(xué);2013年

8 楊雪;數(shù)字化時代的大學(xué)人文教育研究[D];河南大學(xué);2013年




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