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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-06-15 08:06
[Abstract]:Case teaching originated from Harvard Law School, Medical College and School of Business Administration, and was introduced into China in the early 1980 s. In recent years, there have been more and more research on the application of case teaching in basic education curriculum in our country. Scholars trace back to the origin of case teaching, and have studied the emergence and development of case teaching in our country, as well as the implementation strategies and limitations of case teaching, and have achieved fruitful results. The general goal of the new curriculum reform is to cultivate students' innovative consciousness and ability and perfect their personality, but the traditional "cramming" teaching method is not conducive to the cultivation of students' innovative consciousness and ability, which indicates that the traditional teaching methods must be changed. Because case teaching can broaden students' imagination and vision, strengthen or stimulate students' learning motivation, is conducive to the cultivation of students' cooperative ability and communication ability, is conducive to the cultivation of students' problem consciousness and problem analysis ability, and problem solving ability. Especially, the application of case teaching in the teaching of ideological and political course in senior high school can help students to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, optimize the teaching process, better realize the "three-dimensional goal", and also help to promote the professional development of teachers. Therefore, the application of case teaching in the teaching of ideological and political course in senior high school is very consistent with the new curriculum reform, which is of positive significance for promoting the further development of the new curriculum reform and for the rich development of educational theory. By using the methods of literature research, case analysis, observation and interview, this paper discusses the case teaching of ideological and political course in senior high school from the aspects of theory and practice. First of all, from the theoretical level, this paper expounds the characteristics, significance and the principles that should be followed in the case design of ideological and political course in senior high school. Secondly, combined with their own teaching experience, this paper expounds the organization and implementation of case teaching in senior high school from four aspects: pre-class preparation of case teaching, classroom implementation of case teaching, after-class reflection of case teaching, and typical case analysis. Finally, this paper expounds the countermeasures to improve the effectiveness of case teaching of ideological and political course in senior high school from three aspects: actively establishing the case resource database of ideological and political subject in senior high school, improving the comprehensive quality of teachers and avoiding the formalization of case teaching.


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