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發(fā)布時間:2018-03-19 20:22

  本文選題:參與型人力資源管理實踐 切入點:關(guān)系型人力資源管理實踐 出處:《當(dāng)代財經(jīng)》2017年10期  論文類型:期刊論文

[Abstract]:Taking employee perceived human resource management practice as intermediary variable, this paper constructs a cross-layer analysis model of consistency between human resource management practice and values. The empirical study of 102 working teams in 25 enterprises shows that the relationship between human resource management practices and values is consistent. Employee perceived practice of Relational Human Resources Management Intermediate the consistency of team Human Resource Management practice and organizational values. Employee perceived participation in Human Resource Management practice part of the intermediary team participation in human resources management practice and organizational values consistent. The research results show that compared with the participatory human resources management practice, It is easier for employees to perceive the relational management activities promoted by enterprises and play a better role in promoting the formation of shared values.
【作者單位】: 南京大學(xué)商學(xué)院;


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1 陳英;郭紅;邵春梅;;“參與型”教學(xué)模式在會計專業(yè)課程體系中的推廣研究[A];中國會計學(xué)會高等工科院校分會2008年學(xué)術(shù)年會(第十五屆年會)暨中央在鄂集團企業(yè)財務(wù)管理研討會論文集(下冊)[C];2008年





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