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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-02-25 12:34
[Abstract]:For a long time, the separation of poetry and philosophy was regarded as a natural thing in western culture, but Forrest Gump believed that the split between the two caused serious problems. It is the manifestation of western cultural schizophrenia: the subject can not "possess the object of knowledge completely" and cannot experience the integrity of human nature, which leads to the alienation of self and culture. In order to deal with the bad relationship between poetry and philosophy, Forrest Gump is committed to advocating a creative criticism that combines criticism and creation, in order to restore the unity of fragmented words in western culture. To bring together all the humanities, including poetry and philosophy, to promote an "interdisciplinary discipline" with no specific object of study is an important cultural task for the coming generation.
【作者單位】: 北京大學(xué)中文系;


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