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發(fā)布時間:2019-01-09 11:21
[Abstract]:Xiao Hong is an extremely talented female writer in Chinese literary circles. In the 1930s, she was shocked by her novel "the Field of Life and death" and was called "Anti-Japanese Writer". [Hulan he Zhuan] is her later masterpiece. The biography of Hulan River, as an autobiographical female literary work, contains a unique and rich individual emotion. By recalling all kinds of people and events in her hometown, the novel depicts a picture full of folklore. Although many scholars in China study the novel, few people study the English translation of the novel. As the chief sinologist and translator of the United States, Mr. Geoffin played a very important role in the translation and study of Chinese literature. His study of Xiao Hong began in the early 1970s. He translated a number of Xiao Hong's works and wrote the commentaries on Xiao Hong, whether it was about the style and style of the style of writing, as well as his personal and living background, and his growing up experience. The biography of the Hulan River is the first work of Xiao Hong translated by Mr. Gehulan, which has strong representative significance. His translation feature is "respecting the original works and not fearing the original works". Full of creativity and flexibility. Based on the translation view of cognitive linguistics, this paper applies the multiple interactive experiences of cognitive subjects. The "two worlds" principle of creativity and translation analyzes and probes into the translation of folklore words in the English translation of the book "Hulan River" by Gehulan. The interaction between the translator and the source language includes the interaction between the translator and the source language. The interaction between the translator and the target language, the interaction between the translator and the author, and the interaction between the translator and the reader. This paper selects the translation of folklore discourse, folklore activities, folklore scenery and other words in order to illustrate the need to fully consider the influence of multiple interactive experiences and creativity of cognitive subjects in the process of translation. By dealing with the interrelation of several links, we can realize the multi-interaction experience between the translator, the reader and the text, better understand the essence of translation, and finally achieve "harmonious translation". The significance of this study is to verify the applicability of cognitive linguistics to the English translation of Chinese literary works and to provide sufficient examples to improve the translator's translation ability. By analyzing the translation process of Gehor, we can provide more experience for English translation of Chinese literature in the future, provide a new perspective for similar studies, and thus translate the translated works which enjoy a higher acceptance among the target readers.


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