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發(fā)布時間:2019-01-09 07:48
[Abstract]:This paper tries to use the focus of narratology, referring to the method of character shaping, combined with four classic children's novels "Little woman", "Alice in Wonderland", "Alice in Wonderland". The Chinese translation of Prince and Poor Children and the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn explores the transmission of characters in children's literary translation. The characters in the novel play an important role in both the promotion of the plot and the revelation of the theme. Focus, also called perspective or narrative viewpoint, is an extremely important narrative technique in novels. By focusing on the characters from different angles, the effects of the characters are obviously different. Therefore, the transfer effect in translation is a problem worth exploring. This thesis analyzes the transmission of children's characters in the original works by focusing on three different angles and two kinds of characterization, including zero focus, internal focus and external focus, definition and description. The author also summarizes the translator's approach to this problem and discusses the reasons for the change or complete transmission of children's characters in the target text through the comparison between the original and the translated text. In the process of translation, the translator should pay attention to the different focus and grasp the relationship between the focus and the characters so as to accurately and vividly convey the images of children.


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