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發(fā)布時間:2019-01-08 07:25
[Abstract]:Literature takes language as the field to develop aesthetic creation, which indicates that literature is different from other artistic forms in aesthetic way and form of expression. Literature meets the poetic meaning of existence in the language field, and also constructs the discourse form in the language field. In the aesthetic way, literature captures the poetic meaning of existence in the life essence of the language world, and literary aesthetics is an opportunity "coming" when the subject and object meet each other in the language field. In the form of expression, literature presents the beauty of emotion and utterance in order to reveal the poetic nature of language and to construct the artistic world. Grasping the aesthetic characteristics of literary discourse is of practical significance for interpreting literary texts and giving play to the function of literature "human studies".
【作者單位】: 廣東汕尾職業(yè)技術學院人文社科系;


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