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發(fā)布時間:2019-01-05 20:30
[Abstract]:As a minority in China, Korean nationality accounts for only 0.014% of the total population, but its literature has never ceased. This typical minority literature has undergone a transformation from Korean humanism to Chinese Korean literature. It has its unique historical background and living conditions, its thoughts, feelings, and personality. Psychology and custom make Chinese Korean literature different from other minority literature and have strong national characteristics. But at present, systematic records of Chinese Korean literature history books are very limited. Therefore, the translation of this kind of works can help readers understand the development and essence of Chinese Korean literature more intuitively and promote its spread to a wider field. This paper is a translation report on the Korean-Chinese translation project of < (?) >. In this project, the translator extracts the fourth literary part of the late period of reform and opening up. The original text has a total of 76,000 words, completed by the author alone. In the report, the structure of the text is first analyzed, the purpose and significance of the topic are clarified, and the preparatory work required before translation is determined. The report focuses on the translation difficulties encountered in the project and their solutions. For example, in the translation difficulties, this paper analyzes how to deal with the translation of the author's title and how to handle the translation of the text citation through a case. At the same time, the report also lists the use of polysemy, addition, subtraction, subdivision, inversion and other translation methods in the project. The report shows that in the translation of the historical texts of Korean literature in China, the translator is required not only to have a good bilingual conversion ability and close to the original author's mode of thinking, but also to have a strong ability to retrieve information and have a good literary background. Have a good understanding of literature and history.


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