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發(fā)布時間:2019-01-06 14:21
【摘要】:信息化時代讓世界變的很小,在家不出門就可知天下事。我們的生活越來越離不開計算機和網(wǎng)絡,以至于我們生活方式、思維方式發(fā)生了翻天覆地的變化。藝術家作為社會是前沿奔跑者,當然不會對此無動于衷。為此,一種新的藝術形式走進了人們的生活,這就是裝置藝術。裝置藝術的出現(xiàn)可以說是對傳統(tǒng)藝術的一場革命,從杜尚把男士小便池放到美術館里之后,這種藝術形式慢慢的占據(jù)了主導地位。尤其是在當下科學技術如此迅猛發(fā)展的時代,藝術家們從中看到了新的發(fā)展趨勢,許多藝術家也把學科之間交叉研究與實踐寫入自己的創(chuàng)作藍圖。法國現(xiàn)象學美學家杜夫海納(Mikel Duf-renne)曾指出,藝術學科研究的最顯著的趨勢之一“是以不同的形式進行相關綜合研究或邊界交叉研究。”1當代自然科學成為藝術家們主要研究對象,因而“藝術”與“科學”的交叉研究實踐成為當下最熱門的話題之一。藝術家與其它學科的專家、學者合作,許多學科交叉研究實踐作品出現(xiàn)在人們的眼前。他們把裝置藝術與物理學相結合,創(chuàng)作出了新的藝術表現(xiàn)形式,這種藝術形式不同于傳統(tǒng)的藝術形式,傳統(tǒng)的藝術形式觀者只能被動地接受,而裝置藝術與物理學的交叉實踐而產生的互動裝置藝術更注重觀者的自己與藝術作品的溝通、體驗與互動,這比傳統(tǒng)的藝術形式更加具有人性化。裝置藝術與物理學的交叉實踐作品《突出、流動》、《雷電場》、發(fā)光二級管服裝、特斯拉線圈等就是其中的代表作品。它們完美展示了交叉研究作品的優(yōu)勢和美感,體現(xiàn)出作品離不開科技的支持,而物理學這門神秘且古老的學科也通過藝術作品完美的展示了它新的活力,所謂藝術離不開科學,科學也離不開藝術。如喬治·薩頓(George Sutton)所說:“理解科學需要藝術,而理解藝術也需要科學”。
[Abstract]:The information age lets the world become very small, at home do not go out to know the world affairs. Our life is more and more inseparable from the computer and the network, so that our way of life, way of thinking has undergone earth-shaking changes. The artist as the society is the front runner, certainly will not be indifferent to this. Therefore, a new form of art into people's lives, this is installation art. The emergence of installation art can be said to be a revolution in traditional art, since Duchamp put the men's urinal into the museum, this art form gradually took the dominant position. Especially in the era of rapid development of science and technology, artists have seen a new development trend, and many artists have written the interdisciplinary research and practice into their blueprints. As the French phenomenological aesthetician Mikel Duf-renne once pointed out, One of the most prominent trends in the study of art disciplines is to carry out related comprehensive studies or border crossing studies in different forms. (1) Contemporary natural sciences have become the main research objects of artists. Therefore, the cross-research practice of "art" and "science" has become one of the hottest topics. Artists cooperate with experts and scholars in other disciplines, and many interdisciplinary and practical works appear in front of people's eyes. They combined installation art with physics and created a new form of artistic expression, which is different from the traditional art form, and the viewer can only passively accept the traditional art form. And the interactive device art produced by the cross practice of installation art and physics pays more attention to the communication, experience and interaction between the viewer and the art works, which is more humanized than the traditional art form. The intersecting practical works of installation art and physics, such as "prominent, flowing", "Lightning Field", "Luminescent Secondary Tube Garment", and Tesla's Coil, are the representative works. They perfectly demonstrate the advantages and aesthetic feelings of cross-research works, and reflect that the works cannot be separated from the support of science and technology, while physics, a mysterious and ancient discipline, perfectly demonstrates its new vitality through works of art, so called art cannot do without science. Science is also inseparable from art. As George Sutton (George Sutton) put it, "understanding science requires art, and understanding art requires science."


相關碩士學位論文 前4條

1 陳涵虛;體驗與互動—多媒體互動裝置藝術介入公共空間之研究[D];上海大學;2015年

2 王銳;裝置藝術的實驗性研究[D];大連理工大學;2013年

3 邊恩池;裝置藝術的特征和材料的多樣性[D];中央美術學院;2012年

4 鄧博;新媒體互動裝置藝術的研究[D];江南大學;2008年





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