

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-15 09:33

  本文選題:小說翻譯 + 功能目的論 ; 參考:《云南大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

【摘要】:全球一體化帶來了各國(guó)語言和文化空前的交流與融合,隨之產(chǎn)生了對(duì)翻譯的大量需求。在各種文化交流中,文學(xué)作品的交流尤其頻繁。近年來中國(guó)大量翻譯國(guó)外流行文學(xué)作品和暢銷書,這些中譯的作品不但為中國(guó)讀者提供了了解外國(guó)文化和語言的窗口,也豐富了讀者的精神世界。翻譯是一項(xiàng)跨語言的轉(zhuǎn)換活動(dòng),不但是語言層面的轉(zhuǎn)換,更是文化層面的轉(zhuǎn)換生成,作為文學(xué)翻譯的重要組成部分,小說的翻譯和應(yīng)用翻譯不同,具有自己的特點(diǎn)。其中自傳體小說以作者經(jīng)歷為依托,借助文字表現(xiàn)自身情感和創(chuàng)作目的,因此譯者應(yīng)首先準(zhǔn)確再現(xiàn)原作創(chuàng)作目的,并兼顧語言藝術(shù)性的特點(diǎn)。 本文選取1959年出版的英國(guó)小說《To Sir,With Love》為翻譯對(duì)象。該部小說作者E.R.Braitwaite是生于英屬圭亞那的黑人。小說講述了一位受過良好教育的黑人教師用其大膽?yīng)毺氐慕虒W(xué)方式鼓勵(lì)貧困叛逆白人學(xué)生走上積極人生道路的感人故事,反映了上個(gè)世紀(jì)60年代黑人所遭受的社會(huì)歧視,塑造了一位光輝高尚的教師形象。該小說的翻譯將為英國(guó)黑人文學(xué)的研究提供新的素材,彌補(bǔ)該類研究的不足。本文以前四章的翻譯過程和結(jié)果為研究對(duì)象,運(yùn)用功能目的翻譯理論,結(jié)合翻譯過程中遇到的困難和采納的翻譯技巧,分析該理論在英文小說翻譯中的適用性。 本文共分三部分。第一部分為英文原文和中文譯稿。第二部分為翻譯實(shí)踐分析,包括功能目的翻譯理論的介紹和案例分析,結(jié)合實(shí)例闡述具體的翻譯問題,并提出相應(yīng)的解決方案。第三部分對(duì)論文的研究進(jìn)行總結(jié)。 功能目的翻譯理論在英文小說的翻譯中有著重要的實(shí)踐和指導(dǎo)意義。筆者希望通過具體的翻譯案例分析為英文小說的翻譯提供一定的指導(dǎo),希望更多的譯者參與到文學(xué)作品的翻譯中。
[Abstract]:Global integration has brought unprecedented communication and integration of languages and cultures, resulting in a great demand for translation.Among all kinds of cultural exchanges, the communication of literary works is especially frequent.In recent years, China has translated a large number of popular literary works and bestsellers, which not only provide Chinese readers with a window to understand foreign cultures and languages, but also enrich their spiritual world.As an important part of literary translation, the translation of novels has its own characteristics, which is not only the transformation of the language level, but also the generation of the transformation of the cultural level. As an important part of literary translation, the translation of novels has its own characteristics.The autobiographical novel is based on the author's experience and expresses his emotion and purpose with the help of writing. Therefore, the translator should first accurately reproduce the original writing purpose and take into account the artistic features of the language.This paper selects the English novel "to Sir with Love" published in 1959 as the translation object.The writer of the novel, E.R.Braitwaite, is a black man born in British Guyana.The novel tells the moving story of a well-educated black teacher who used his bold and unique teaching methods to encourage poor, rebellious white students to take a positive path to life, reflecting the social discrimination suffered by blacks in the 1960s.Created a brilliant and noble image of the teacher.The translation of the novel will provide new material for the study of English black literature and make up for the deficiency of this kind of study.Taking the translation process and results of the first four chapters as the research object, this paper analyzes the applicability of the theory in the translation of English novels with the help of functional Skopos translation theory, combined with the difficulties encountered in the translation process and the adopted translation techniques.This paper is divided into three parts.The first part is the English original text and the Chinese translation.The second part is an analysis of translation practice, including the introduction of functional purpose translation theory and case analysis.The third part summarizes the research of the thesis.The translation theory of functional purpose has important practical and instructive significance in the translation of English novels.The author hopes to provide some guidance for the translation of English novels through specific translation case studies and hope that more translators will participate in the translation of literary works.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前1條

1 壽永明;;語言美學(xué)與漢語的美學(xué)價(jià)值[J];江西社會(huì)科學(xué);2005年10期





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