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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-15 12:01

  本文選題:城市景觀 + 兒童游戲空間; 參考:《江南大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The development of economy has brought about the rapid development of urban integration, which makes the green outdoor environment gradually disappear in the skyline of high-rise buildings. This sudden lifestyle forces children's play space from outdoor to indoor.Children's play environment is surrounded by cold walls, and the main body of spatial concern has become the dangerous situation of adults as well as children.Closed, mechanized, adult, and single are now synonymous with children's play space.Children are confined to cold architectural spaces, unable to play wantonly or to run at will.Good children's play space can make children get beautiful experience, personality guide, intelligence development and interest cultivation in the process of play, thus promoting the all-round development of body and mind.This paper explores the new ideas of children's play space, especially children's outdoor game space design, in order to raise questions, analyze problems and solve problems in order to construct the content of the paper.From the point of view of children's environmental psychology and based on the standpoint of environmental design, this paper aims to study the application of installation art in children's play space.The installation art is applied to the children's game space design, which satisfies the children's emotional demand for the game space, and opens up a new vision of the modern urban children's play space design.A mutually beneficial bridge between installation art and children's play space is constructed.On the one hand, installation art provides a new way of development for children's play space; on the other hand, children's play space provides a new stage for installation art.This paper first defines the installation art and expounds the inherent characteristics of the installation art.Based on the application of installation art in urban public space, this paper puts forward that the design method of installation art in children's play space can be used for reference.Then it defines the children's play space and expounds the dialectical relationship between children and environment, and takes the space aesthetic as the direction and the facility function as the carrier.Taking the spirit of place as the core and the emotion and behavior fusion as the means, this paper discusses the installation art and the children's play space.Secondly, combining the domestic and foreign cases from the aspects of form design, facility design, space construction and scene construction, this paper analyzes the configuration design and facility design of installation art in children's play space.Space construction and scene construction four aspects to explore the installation of the specific art of expression and design methods.It clarifies the important position and role of installation art in children's play space design, analyzes the ways in which installation art is involved in children's play space, emphasizes the positive effect of installation art on children's play space, realizes art and children,Good interaction with the environment.Finally, by analyzing the application of installation art in children's game space, this paper points out the application benefit, development trend and possible development problems of installation art in children's game space design.This paper provides some reference and guidance for the reasonable application of installation art in other urban spaces from the application research of installation art and children's play space.


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