

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-14 20:40

  本文選題:媒介整合 + 媒介死亡。 參考:《大連工業(yè)大學(xué)》2010年碩士論文

【摘要】:任何一種新技術(shù)的發(fā)明都是新的媒介,都是人的肢體或中樞神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)的延伸。它不僅僅是一種簡(jiǎn)單的形式或包裝,而是承載著新的“訊息”。也就是說(shuō)任何新技術(shù)都將反過(guò)來(lái)影響人們的思維、觀念,進(jìn)而影響人們的生活、工作和學(xué)習(xí)方式。這種影響必將帶來(lái)人類(lèi)社會(huì)的發(fā)展。電子網(wǎng)絡(luò)媒介的誕生和發(fā)展對(duì)傳統(tǒng)媒介具有強(qiáng)大的整合力,各種媒介自身的技術(shù)及模式也在不斷地革新,這就使得大批傳統(tǒng)媒介在新媒介的整合和自身的革新中不斷消失和邊緣化,由此大批的媒介孤兒產(chǎn)生了。 本文對(duì)媒介發(fā)展過(guò)程中所產(chǎn)生的遺留物給予關(guān)注,試圖對(duì)當(dāng)代媒介與文化的深層規(guī)律進(jìn)行探討,,在“媒介遺孤”的“新生活”背后解讀當(dāng)代媒介文化概貌。這些媒介遺留物被分為樣式、質(zhì)感、解構(gòu)、符號(hào)和內(nèi)容幾個(gè)方面進(jìn)行分類(lèi)和解釋。在媒介中只有那些媒介本身作為形式的部分才會(huì)成為遺留物被歷史保存下來(lái)。這些在人類(lèi)歷史上占據(jù)一席之地的媒介們依舊在他們已經(jīng)缺席的年代里產(chǎn)生著影響——像素畫(huà)、lomo相機(jī)、“文革”圖像等。這些影響是出現(xiàn)在“部落化”了的后現(xiàn)代情境下的必然結(jié)果。部落化——非部落化——重新部落化是麥克盧漢的一個(gè)著名的公式,他從媒介演化的角度去概括人類(lèi)的歷史。這個(gè)公式可以從另一個(gè)角度理解:整合化——分割化——重新整合化。此前一切媒介尤其是西方的拼音文字和機(jī)械媒介是分裂切割、線性思維、偏重視覺(jué)、強(qiáng)調(diào)專(zhuān)門(mén)化的。這樣的人是被分割肢解、殘缺不全的人。電子媒介使人整合,回到整體思維的前印刷時(shí)代。在印刷時(shí)代開(kāi)始被分裂的感官在部落里面重新整合在一起。媒介遺孤們作為被分割感官延伸的遺留部分也在這里獲得了拼合的可能。它們可以輕易地脫離開(kāi)原有的價(jià)值系統(tǒng)和意識(shí)形態(tài)的控制獲得最大的自由。在需求層面集體記憶是人對(duì)媒介遺留物需要的主要方面。記憶是提供存在感的依據(jù)。我們?cè)诠餐?jīng)歷的事件的時(shí)候,這種對(duì)于存在過(guò)的認(rèn)同感更加明確。媒介的廣泛性把擁有同樣記憶的群體范圍不斷變大,一個(gè)地區(qū)或者一個(gè)國(guó)家會(huì)擁有同樣的媒介的集體記憶。最后這些媒介孤兒們被無(wú)所不能的數(shù)字電子技術(shù)重新賦予了生命。“數(shù)字上帝”之手使媒介遺孤們?cè)诋?dāng)代獲得了“擬像”式的新生。
[Abstract]:The invention of any new technology is a new medium, an extension of the human limb or central nervous system.It is not just a simple form or packaging, but a new message.That is, any new technology will in turn affect people's thinking, ideas, and, in turn, the way they live, work and learn.This kind of influence must bring the development of human society.The birth and development of electronic network media has a strong integration power to traditional media, and the technology and mode of various media itself are constantly innovating.This makes a large number of traditional media in the integration of new media and their own innovation continue to disappear and marginalize, and a large number of media orphans.This paper pays attention to the legacy of media development, tries to probe into the deep laws of contemporary media and culture, and unscrambles the general picture of contemporary media culture behind the "new life" of "media orphans".These media remnants are classified and interpreted in terms of style, texture, deconstruction, symbols and content.Only those parts of the media that are forms of form are left over by history.These media, which have a place in human history, still have an impact in an era in which they have been absent-pixel painting lomo cameras, Cultural Revolution images, and so on.These effects are inevitable in the post-modern context of tribalization.Tribalization-non-tribalism-re-tribalization is a famous formula of McLuhan. He generalizes human history from the angle of media evolution.This formula can be understood from another perspective: integration-partitioning-re-integration.Prior to all media, especially the Western alphabet and mechanical media is split cutting, linear thinking, emphasis on vision, emphasis on specialization.Such a person is a divided, incomplete person.Electronic media make people integrate and return to the preprint era of holistic thinking.The senses that began to split in the printing age were reintegrated within the tribe.Media orphans, as a legacy of segmented sensory extensions, have also acquired the possibility of assembly here.They can easily free themselves from the control of the original value system and ideology.Collective memory at the demand level is the main aspect of people's need for media remnants.Memory is the basis for providing a sense of existence.This sense of identity is clearer when we experience events together.The universality of the media increases the range of groups with the same memory, and a region or a country will have collective memory of the same medium.Finally, these media orphans were reborn by the omnipotent digital electronics technology.The hand of "Digital God" has given the media orphans a new life of simulacrum in modern times.


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