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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-11 16:57

  本文選題:瞿秋白 + 馬克思主義。 參考:《西華大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The 20 ~ (th) century is an important period for the introduction and dissemination of Marxist literary theory.Qu Qiubai, as one of the important leaders of our Party, actively explored the practical application of Marxist literary theory in China.This paper mainly discusses Qu Qiubai's translation, introduction, application and influence of Marxist literary theory.Qu Qiubai's translation and introduction activities have the nature of elucidation and directness. At an early stage, he fully translated the realistic theory of Marxism, excavated and analyzed the achievements obtained from the aesthetic heritage of Marxism in the Soviet Union.Qu Qiubai, based on Marx and Engels' theory of realism, put forward the revolutionary realism with the authenticity of literature and art as the main content.Qu Qiubai paid great attention to the class character of literature and art, and fully discussed and confirmed the influence of literary class nature on social propaganda.He made use of the Chinese viewpoint to explain, translate and introduce the Marxist classical theory, and praised the popularization of literature and art. Based on the theoretical level, he introduced the meaning, content and method of literature and art popularization.A series of problems such as language application and mass writing.The content of his political literature and art theory includes three principles: class, people and revolutionary realism.On the one hand, the theoretical concept put forward by Qu Qiubai promoted the further development of the left-wing literary and artistic movement, on the other hand, it also promoted the emergence of Marxist literary and artistic theory.It provides an important theoretical basis and practical experience for the emergence of Mao Zedong's literary concept in the 1940s.


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