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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-11 16:35

  本文選題:意境生成 + 心理律動; 參考:《牡丹江師范學院》2010年碩士論文

【摘要】: 意境是中國特有的文學、美學范疇。在新時期已廣泛用于各藝術門類的鑒賞中。本文從文藝學的視角,在宗白華先生從審美體驗探索意境意義的基礎上,綜合中西文藝理論、美學理論觀點,采用舉例論證的方法,以文學意境為研究對象,來闡釋意境生成的審美心理過程。 文學意境是由創(chuàng)作主體和接受主體積極調(diào)動各種心理因素共同完成的審美體驗過程。從創(chuàng)作主體審美情感的萌發(fā),到審美意象的形成,到運用各種語言技巧把它訴諸于文字、作品意境的定型,再到接受主體腦海里的意境的呈現(xiàn),意境經(jīng)歷了三個階段、三次飛躍。在整個的生成過程中,意境始終呈現(xiàn)出一種動態(tài)的、立體的、空靈的和超越的審美空間。
[Abstract]:Artistic conception is a unique category of literature and aesthetics in China.In the new era has been widely used in the appreciation of various categories of art.From the point of view of literature and art, on the basis of Zong Baihua's aesthetic experience to explore the meaning of artistic conception, this paper synthesizes the theories of Chinese and Western literature and art, esthetics theory, adopts the method of illustrative argument, and takes literary artistic conception as the object of study.To explain the aesthetic psychological process of artistic conception.Literary artistic conception is a process of aesthetic experience, which is accomplished by creating subject and receiving subject actively mobilizing all kinds of psychological factors.The artistic conception has experienced three stages from the germination of the aesthetic emotion of the creative subject to the formation of the aesthetic image, to the application of various language techniques to the writing, the shaping of the artistic conception of the work, and to the presentation of the artistic conception in the mind of the subject.Three leaps.In the whole process, artistic conception always presents a dynamic, three-dimensional, empty and transcendent aesthetic space.


相關期刊論文 前6條

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