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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-11 21:33

  本文選題:民族文學 + 韋勒克 ; 參考:《文學評論》2016年02期

[Abstract]:Willerk's view of national literature mainly includes three aspects: first, Willerk tries to write the overall literary history of the world, but he does not reject the literature of all nationalities. In his view,It is the nationality of literature and its unique contribution to the overall literature that is the core of literary history writing.Second, the key to the writing of the history of world literature is to identify the nationality belonging to a certain kind of literature, and Willerk sets the criteria for judging the national literature: the national consciousness of literature, the subject matter and the style of the nation, and so on.Third, the national literature is important in the writing of the world's overall literary history, but once the national literature is held hostage by the narrow nationalism, it will also show its unique one-sidedness.In studying national literature, we should stop the local and local emotions, be alert to the parochialism of national literature, and soberly realize that national emotion is not only a good medicine for promoting human progress, but also a tumour that creates social unrest.
【作者單位】: 中南民族大學文學與新聞傳播學院;


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10 郭小川;《}燈,




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