

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-04 10:17

  本文選題:文化負(fù)載詞 切入點(diǎn):語(yǔ)用對(duì)等 出處:《廣東外語(yǔ)外貿(mào)大學(xué)》2009年碩士論文

【摘要】: 翻譯是非常重要的跨文化的交際活動(dòng),是連接不同文化的橋梁。文化負(fù)載詞直接反應(yīng)一個(gè)國(guó)家的歷史獨(dú)特性。中國(guó),一個(gè)燦爛文化和悠久的歷史的大國(guó)必然有數(shù)不勝數(shù)的文化負(fù)載詞。因此,如何忠實(shí)的翻譯這些文化負(fù)載詞一直是翻譯研究的焦點(diǎn)之一。錢(qián)鐘書(shū)的小說(shuō)《圍城》是我國(guó)“五四”以來(lái)新文學(xué)史上一部杰出的批判現(xiàn)實(shí)主義力作,它采用獨(dú)特的象征,揭示深刻的社會(huì)意義和人生哲理,散發(fā)著讓人驚嘆不已的文字力量,發(fā)人深思。《圍城》中出現(xiàn)大量的文化負(fù)載詞,它們直接反映了中國(guó)文化的個(gè)性特征并構(gòu)成了《圍城》的一大特色,全文語(yǔ)言風(fēng)格獨(dú)特,充滿(mǎn)學(xué)者氣息。讀者可以從中學(xué)到很多關(guān)于中國(guó)的文化?墒,如何理解文化負(fù)載詞成了外國(guó)讀者以及文化交流的障礙。因此,探討這些文化負(fù)載詞及其翻譯具有重要的現(xiàn)實(shí)意義。 本文從語(yǔ)用對(duì)等的角度出發(fā),首先,分析了語(yǔ)言文化和翻譯之間的關(guān)系,提出文化與語(yǔ)言密切相關(guān),語(yǔ)言是文化的載體,又受到文化的制約,而翻譯是跨文化交流的一種重要手段。然后分析了文化負(fù)載詞產(chǎn)牛的原因是由于牛活環(huán)境,宗教信仰,價(jià)值觀念存在差異,使得在歷史發(fā)展過(guò)程中形成了每個(gè)民族的文化個(gè)性,文化個(gè)性導(dǎo)致了文化負(fù)載詞的意義差異。語(yǔ)用翻譯中的語(yǔ)用對(duì)等是一種等效翻譯觀,也是翻譯理論中的一個(gè)新模式,這為研究文化負(fù)載詞提供一個(gè)新的視角。語(yǔ)用翻譯應(yīng)該使原作和譯作在語(yǔ)用語(yǔ)言和社交語(yǔ)用兩個(gè)層面上達(dá)到等值效果。本文旨在從語(yǔ)用語(yǔ)言對(duì)等和社交語(yǔ)用對(duì)等分別闡述如何翻譯文化負(fù)載詞。 基于上述理論,本文將《圍城》中的文化負(fù)載詞分門(mén)別類(lèi),并根據(jù)語(yǔ)用對(duì)等這一理論歸納出具體的翻譯方法,并就《圍城》英譯本中一些文化負(fù)載詞的翻譯提出了自己的修改意見(jiàn)。語(yǔ)用翻譯中的語(yǔ)用對(duì)等是翻譯文化負(fù)載詞的又一新視角,譯者應(yīng)該不拘泥原文的形式,在譯文中用最貼近最自然的對(duì)等語(yǔ)表達(dá)出來(lái),以求等值。本文所列舉的方法分類(lèi)不一定準(zhǔn)確,種類(lèi)不一定全面,旨在分析說(shuō)明問(wèn)題。本文希望起到一個(gè)拋磚引玉的作用,促進(jìn)對(duì)翻譯過(guò)程中文化因素的傳遞方法的研究。
[Abstract]:Translation is a very important cross-cultural communication activity and a bridge connecting different cultures.Culturally loaded words directly reflect the historical uniqueness of a country.China, a country with a splendid culture and a long history, must have countless culture-loaded words.Therefore, how to faithfully translate these culture-loaded words has always been one of the focal points in translation studies.Qian Zhongshu's novel besieged City is an outstanding work of critical realism in the history of new literature since the May 4th Movement of China. It adopts unique symbols, reveals profound social significance and philosophy of life, and exudes an unceasing power of words.A lot of culture-loaded words appear in besieged City, which directly reflect the personality characteristics of Chinese culture and form a major feature of "besieged City". The full text has a unique language style and full of scholars' breath.Readers can learn a lot about Chinese culture.However, how to understand culture-loaded words has become an obstacle to foreign readers and cultural exchanges.Therefore, it is of great practical significance to explore these culture-loaded words and their translation.From the perspective of pragmatic equivalence, this paper first analyzes the relationship between language culture and translation, and points out that culture is closely related to language, and language is the carrier of culture and restricted by culture.Translation is an important means of cross-cultural communication.Then it analyzes the reasons of producing cattle in the culture loaded word because of the difference of living environment, religious belief and values, which makes the cultural personality of each nation formed in the course of historical development.Cultural personality leads to differences in the meaning of culture-loaded words.Pragmatic equivalence in pragmatic translation is an equivalent translation concept and a new model in translation theory, which provides a new perspective for the study of culture-loaded words.Pragmatic translation should achieve equivalence between the original and the translated text at both the pragmatic and the social-pragmatic levels.The purpose of this paper is to explain how to translate culture-loaded words from pragmatic language equivalence and social pragmatic equivalence.Based on the above theory, this paper classifies the culture-loaded words in "besieged cities", and sums up concrete translation methods according to the theory of pragmatic equivalence.The author also puts forward his own opinions on the translation of some culture-loaded words in the English translation of besieged cities.Pragmatic equivalence in pragmatic translation is another new perspective of culture-loaded words in translation. The translator should not stick to the form of the original text and express it in the translation with the closest to the most natural equivalents in order to achieve equivalence.The classification of the methods listed in this paper is not necessarily accurate and the category is not always comprehensive. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and explain the problem.This paper hopes to serve as a guide to the study of the transfer of cultural factors in translation.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前1條

1 李新;朱艷麗;;林語(yǔ)堂《浮生六記》中文化負(fù)載詞的語(yǔ)用評(píng)估[J];華北電力大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào)(社會(huì)科學(xué)版);2011年02期

相關(guān)碩士學(xué)位論文 前4條

1 周瓊;《圍城》英譯本中的譯者顯形[D];湖南師范大學(xué);2011年

2 孫火東;論《圍城》譯本中引語(yǔ)形式的翻譯[D];鄭州大學(xué);2011年

3 廖芬芳;從文化翻譯觀看張愛(ài)玲自譯作品《金鎖記》中文化負(fù)載詞的翻譯[D];湖南師范大學(xué);2012年

4 楊靜;從尤金奈達(dá)的功能對(duì)等理論看《圍城》中心理描寫(xiě)的翻譯[D];鄭州大學(xué);2013年





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