

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-03 20:11

  本文選題:上海美術(shù) 切入點(diǎn):現(xiàn)代中國(guó)文化 出處:《美術(shù)》2017年02期

[Abstract]:December 11, 2016, Shanghai Univer, Academy of Fine Arts in Shanghai was officially established. Vice chairman of Chinese Chinese Association vice chairman of Federation of literary and art circles, Feng Yuan appointed as the president of the Academy of Fine Arts in Shanghai. Academy of Fine Arts in Shanghai is in the Shanghai municipal Party committee, municipal government concerned, with the establishment of the new system, a relatively independent school autonomy level two college, Shanghai Univer is a comprehensive reform, an important the process of the construction of high level university initiatives. Feng Yuan pointed out in his speech at the inaugural meeting, Shanghai is the cause of modern China culture source of China, Centre of gravity is the modern art education made the potential and contemporary Chinese international culture communication, gathered a rich historical context, a large number of convergence of the elite, they for decades in Shanghai and the national culture construction has made important contributions. Shanghai is also fully capable of good strength

【作者單位】: 上海美術(shù)學(xué)院;


相關(guān)期刊論文 前3條

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2 徐翎;信息與聯(lián)誼[J];美術(shù)觀(guān)察;2000年12期

3 馬瑞青;;郭味蕖的繪畫(huà)藝術(shù)及市場(chǎng)行情[J];榮寶齋;2008年02期





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