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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-03 18:05

  本文選題:《金鎖記》 切入點:雜合 出處:《華中師范大學》2009年碩士論文

【摘要】: 張愛玲(1920-1995)以其雅俗共賞的獨特藝術魅力和對人性深邃的洞察和理解,在中國現(xiàn)代文學史上占有重要地位并一度在兩岸三地掀起“張愛玲熱”。她的《金鎖記》被譽為是“中國現(xiàn)代文學史上最優(yōu)秀的中篇小說”,“我們文壇最美的收獲之一”,備受讀者和學者的關注。應文學評論家夏志清之邀,張愛玲將這篇倍受矚目的中篇小說譯成英文,該譯文被收錄在《二十世紀中文小說》,于1971年付梓出版。 受中西文化熏陶,上世紀四十年代徜徉于滬、港兩地的雙語作家和翻譯家張愛玲游走于通俗與先鋒、古典與現(xiàn)代之間,將西方現(xiàn)代思想及寫作方法與中國傳統(tǒng)文學完美融合,因此,她的文學創(chuàng)作和譯作均呈現(xiàn)出較高雜合度的特點。但出于對母體文化和讀者強烈的關照意識,張愛玲在翻譯過程中一方面盡可能呈現(xiàn)原作風貌,保留其中的“異質(zhì)因素”,一方面又兼顧到譯文讀者的期待視野和接受維度,藝術地在兩者之間取得平衡。這一翻譯風格和特點在典型個案《金鎖記》的英文自譯本中得到了淋漓盡致的體現(xiàn)并成為本文研究的對象。 盡管雜合有助于促進跨文化交流,打破二元對立,改寫強勢文化的文化霸權地位,有助于創(chuàng)造審美距離并改變讀者的期待視野從而促成新規(guī)則的形成和接受,但雜合度的把握卻是橫亙在譯者面前的巨大難題,如若處理不慎則可能成為讀者閱讀的障礙。如何拿捏好譯文雜合度,應該保留哪些異質(zhì)因素,應該采取何種翻譯補償手段減少阻力、協(xié)助這些異質(zhì)因素的接受就成為譯者應該考慮的首要問題。 本文就是以此為起點,借助接受美學,分別從宏觀和微觀的角度研究張愛玲代表作《金鎖記》的自譯,探討張愛玲原文和譯文的雜合特征以及該譯者調(diào)和譯文雜合的策略與方法。在微觀層面上,本文將從文學、語言和文化等方面深入探討《金鎖記》譯文中的雜合問題,對其進行描述性研究。在宏觀層面上,研究的重點則是以接受美學的論點作為支撐,運用期待視野、審美距離和視野變化等概念觀點,分析研究該譯者分別調(diào)和譯文文化雜合、語言雜合和文學雜合時,采取的不同的翻譯策略與方法,以及該策略方法對讀者接受造成的影響。 經(jīng)分析研究,作者認為張愛玲的翻譯實踐表明她將雜合看作一個歷史范疇,根據(jù)文化雜合、語言雜合和文學雜合各自不同的特點和接受維度,采取不同的翻譯策略和補償方法。 本文從讀者接受的角度,對張愛玲《金鎖記》自譯本中的雜合,以及譯者為促使雜合在譯語文化環(huán)境中的接受而采取的翻譯補償策略進行研究,旨在為張愛玲的整體研究提供翻譯方面的素材并為文學翻譯中的雜合研究提供創(chuàng)造性的視角。
[Abstract]:Zhang Ailing (1920-1995), with his unique artistic charm and profound insight and understanding of human nature, occupies an important position in the history of modern Chinese literature and once set off a fever of "Zhang Ailing" in the three places on both sides of the strait.Her "Golden Lock" is praised as "the best novella in the history of modern Chinese literature" and "one of the most beautiful achievements in our literary world", which has attracted the attention of readers and scholars.At the invitation of Xia Zhiqing, a literary critic, Zhang Ailing translated this famous novella into English, which was published in 1971 in Chinese novels of the 20th Century.Influenced by Chinese and Western cultures, Zhang Ailing, a bilingual writer and translator in Hong Kong, wandered through Shanghai in the 1940s. Zhang Ailing, a bilingual writer and translator in Hong Kong, wandered between popular and vanguard, classical and modern, and perfectly integrated modern western thoughts and writing methods with traditional Chinese literature.Therefore, her literary creation and translation have the characteristics of high heterozygosity.However, due to his strong concern for the mother culture and the readers, Zhang Ailing, on the one hand, presents the original style and features as much as possible, preserves the "heterogeneous factors" in the translation process, on the one hand, and on the other hand, takes into account the target readers' vision of expectation and the dimensions of acceptance.Strike an artistic balance between the two.The translation style and characteristics are vividly reflected in the English self-translation of the typical case, Golden Lock, and become the object of this thesis.Although hybridity helps to promote cross-cultural communication, break duality, rewrite the cultural hegemony of strong culture, create aesthetic distance and change readers' horizon of expectation, thus contributing to the formation and acceptance of new rules.However, the grasp of heterozygosity is a huge problem in front of the translator, and if handled carelessly, it may become an obstacle for readers to read.How to grasp the degree of heterogeneity, which heterogeneity factors should be retained, and what translation compensation measures should be adopted to reduce resistance are the most important issues to be considered by translators in order to facilitate the acceptance of these heterogeneity factors.This paper, with the aid of reception aesthetics, studies the self-translation of Zhang Ailing's masterpiece, the Book of the Golden Lock, from the macro and micro perspectives.This paper probes into the heterozygosity characteristics of Zhang Ailing's original text and the target text, and the strategies and methods of the translator's conciliating the translation heterozygosity.On the micro level, this paper will discuss the heterozygosity in the translation of the Golden Lock from the aspects of literature, language and culture, and make a descriptive study of it.On the macro level, the focus of the study is to analyze and study the translator to reconcile the cultural hybridity of the target text by using the perspective of expectation, aesthetic distance and the change of vision, supported by the argument of reception aesthetics.The different translation strategies and methods adopted by language heterozygosity and literary heterozygosity, as well as the influence of this strategy on readers' acceptance.Through analysis, the author thinks that Zhang Ailing's translation practice shows that she regards heterozygosity as a historical category and adopts different translation strategies and compensation methods according to the different characteristics and reception dimensions of cultural hybridity, linguistic hybridity and literary hybridity.From the perspective of reader acceptance, this paper studies the heterozygosity in Zhang Ailing's "Golden Lock" translation and the translation compensation strategies adopted by the translator to promote the acceptance of hybridity in the cultural environment of the target language.The purpose is to provide translation materials for Zhang Ailing's overall study and a creative perspective for hybrid studies in literary translation.


相關期刊論文 前1條

1 黃艷群;;我國文學自譯研究十年回眸(2001-2011)[J];語文學刊(外語教育教學);2012年08期

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1 劉爽;張愛玲小說《金鎖記》自譯與改寫英版本反響不佳的原因分析[D];河南大學;2011年

2 張明蓉;賽珍珠譯《水滸傳》中的雜合現(xiàn)象探究——后殖民的視角[D];華中師范大學;2011年

3 楊lm枝;從女性主義翻譯理論看張愛玲翻譯的《老人與!穂D];中北大學;2011年

4 陳旭;論張愛玲小說《金鎖記》自譯中的歸化與異化[D];安徽大學;2011年

5 陳會琴;論張愛玲自譯作品的自我東方化傾向[D];湘潭大學;2011年

6 張娟;張愛玲自譯作品中的譯者身份研究[D];重慶大學;2012年

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8 成慧敏;張愛玲《金鎖記》的自譯策略研究[D];天津財經(jīng)大學;2012年

9 張玉;接受美學視角下小說英譯之研究[D];蘇州大學;2013年





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