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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-02 20:19

  本文選題:歐亞主義 切入點:民族自覺意識 出處:《外國文學(xué)》2017年03期

[Abstract]:Eurasia is a kind of ideological trend which appeared in the intellectual stratum of Russian overseas Chinese in the 1920s. It proceeds from the premise of nature and geography and extends to many fields such as history, culture, economy, politics, literature and religion and so on.Rooted in their own soil and emphasizing the uniqueness of Russia, Eurasians put forward many insightful ideas and propositions one after another, and actively explored the way for the development of Russia in the process of transformation.In the literary creation of the same period, Eurasia thought also has sprouting and writing.On the basis of combing the social background, theoretical origin and core content of the thought, we focus on the analysis of Vi Ivanov, Bullock, Beerley and Artostoy, Pireniak.The Eurasian idea in the creation of Pradonov and other writers.With the themes of "the East and the West", "the Nation and the World", "tradition and modernity" and so on, this paper interprets the rich interaction between Eurasian thought and literary creation.Eurasia is not only a manifestation of the strengthening of Russian national consciousness, but also an indispensable link in the development of Russian thought.
【作者單位】: 東北農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)俄語系;
【基金】:國家社科基金項目“維·伊萬諾夫詩學(xué)的文化闡釋與研究”(15BWW033) 黑龍江經(jīng)濟社會發(fā)展重點研究課題(外語學(xué)科專項)“維·伊萬諾夫的狄俄尼索斯文化研究”(WY2016051-B) 哈爾濱師范大學(xué)俄羅斯文化藝術(shù)研究中心資助


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