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  本文選題:雙性同體翻譯理論 切入點:作者 出處:《四川師范大學》2010年碩士論文

【摘要】: 女性主義者致力于反對壓迫女性的父權(quán)統(tǒng)治,極大地提升了女性的社會地位。然而,激進的女性主義者在爭奪話語權(quán)的過程中往往矯枉過正,在反對父權(quán)社會二元對立的同時,又陷入了另一種二元對立。此外,她們所倡導的思想距離普通女性的實際生活太遠。如果女性主義翻譯者過于強調(diào)譯者的主體性,用“劫持”的手法來隨意改寫原文,就會偏離翻譯的基本原則,陷入混亂,她們的翻譯也不能被稱之為合格的翻譯。要解決這個問題,一些女性主義者提出了“雙性同體”的概念。 從生理上看,雙性同體是指某些動物或植物身體上同時擁有雌雄兩種性別。雙性同體的翻譯理論,在目前還不太成熟,就筆者的研究來看,它主要包含三層含義。第一層含義是關(guān)于譯者與作者的關(guān)系問題。作者與譯者都是文本的創(chuàng)造者。譯者可以出色地翻譯與自己不同性別作者的作品,從生理上講,他們可能無法產(chǎn)生同樣的體驗,但從心理上講是可以的。此外,譯者應選擇合適的文本來翻譯,文本必須能適合譯者的興趣,個人氣質(zhì),性格特點,風格和知識水平等等,如冰心所說:“譯有所好”(林佩璇2005, 67)。第二層的含義是關(guān)于譯本與原作的關(guān)系問題,它們之間是合作或融合的關(guān)系,有著共同的思想體驗和交叉的社會性別意識。譯者可以采用多種翻譯手法,但譯本的思想和語調(diào)應與原作和諧一致。伽德默爾的闡釋學認為文本是作者原來的視野和讀者現(xiàn)在的視野的融合,即視域融合(27)。雙性同體的翻譯觀包含了此理論,不同性別間的視域融合為產(chǎn)生更新更廣闊的視野作好了準備。第三層含義是關(guān)于雙性同體翻譯觀的影響。從本義上講,雙性同體指的是兩種性別集于一身,為繁育后代、產(chǎn)生更大的生命力提供方便。作者與譯者間和諧與合作的關(guān)系為譯本的創(chuàng)作產(chǎn)生了強大的生命力。如果將作者與譯者的結(jié)合關(guān)系比作父母,他們所生育的孩子(譯本)不能只就其與父親或母親(作者或譯者)的相似度來評判,而應看是否集中了兩者的優(yōu)點。只有集中了兩者優(yōu)點的孩子(譯本)才具有更為強大的生命力,更受讀者歡迎。
[Abstract]:Feminists devotes themselves to the patriarchal rule of oppressing women, which greatly improves the social status of women.However, the radical feminists often overcorrected in the process of fighting for the right to speak, and at the same time, they fell into another dualistic opposition while opposing the dualistic opposition of the patriarchal society.In addition, the ideas they advocate are too far from the real life of ordinary women.If feminist translators overemphasize the subjectivity of the translator and use "hijack" to rewrite the source text at will, they will deviate from the basic principles of translation and fall into confusion, and their translation cannot be called qualified translation.To solve this problem, some feminists put forward the concept of "androgyny".Physiologically, bisexual isomorphism means that some animals or plants have both sexes physically.The translation theory of androgyny is not very mature at present, and it mainly contains three meanings from the point of view of the author's research.The first is about the relationship between the translator and the author.Both the author and the translator are the creators of the text.Translators can do well in translating writers of different genders. They may not be able to produce the same experience physically, but psychologically they can.In addition, the translator should choose the right text to translate. The text must be suitable for the translator's interest, personality, personality, style and knowledge level. As Bing Xin put it, "translation is good" (Lin Pei-xuan 2005,67Hau).The second level is about the relationship between the translation and the original, which is a relationship of cooperation or integration, which has a common ideological experience and a cross-gender consciousness.The translator can use a variety of translation techniques, but the ideas and intonation of the translation should be in harmony with the original.Gardemer's hermeneutics holds that the text is the fusion of the author's original vision and the reader's present vision, I. e.Bisexual translation theory contains this theory, and the fusion of different gender horizons is ready for the generation of a new and broader vision.The third level of meaning is about the influence of bisexual translation.In the original sense, the two genders are one sex, which provides convenience for breeding offspring and producing greater vitality.The harmonious and cooperative relationship between the author and the translator brings great vitality to the creation of the translation.If the relationship between the author and the translator is compared to that of the parents, the children (translated versions) they have should be judged not only by their similarity to their father or mother (author or translator), but also by whether or not the advantages of the two are concentrated.Only the children who concentrate the advantages of both have stronger vitality and are more popular with the readers.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前10條

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10 蔣驍華;女性主義對翻譯理論的影響[J];中國翻譯;2004年04期





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