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發(fā)布時間:2018-01-30 17:36

  本文關鍵詞: 公共服務 外包 社會組織 出處:《東華大學》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

[Abstract]:Since 1970s, the new public management movement and the government reform movement have started to rise all over the world. Western developed countries have implemented government reengineering one after another to introduce competition mechanism into public services. Strive to improve the efficiency of public services and reduce costs, reduce the pressure on government expenditure. This wave of reform has also gradually affected our country, since 1990s. In order to solve many problems in the process of public service supply, in some economically developed areas of China, the government began to try to reform the public service supply mechanism, private enterprises. Social organizations begin to enter the category of the main body of public service production, which can alleviate the pressure of local government expenditure, solve the shortage of public service supply and improve the quality of public service. At the same time, it has played an important role in improving the responsiveness of public service demand. Although in recent years, public service outsourcing has been relatively rapid development in China. However, our government outsourcing of public services is still "imported", is to learn from the experience of Western countries, suitable for the lack of local theoretical basis, coupled with the underdeveloped market mechanism. In the absence of relevant mature laws and regulations, the ability of government contract governance needs to be improved, and there are still many problems in our government public service outsourcing. Public service outsourcing is the innovation of the government in the way of public service supply. Social organization, as the recipient of government public service outsourcing, is of great significance to promote the public service outsourcing in our country. However, the public service outsourcing in our country is not long since the rise of public service outsourcing. The development of social organization is still in the primary stage, and it also faces many problems. Therefore, this article from the perspective of the outsourcing of public service-the government and the public service outsourcing-social organization perspective. To sort out the existing problems of public service outsourcing in China at this stage. And in order to improve our government outsourcing of public services to provide countermeasures. The full text is divided into five parts. The first chapter explains the reason and significance of the study of this theme. The second chapter explains the public service provided by the government, explains how the social organization is produced and its remarkable characteristics. According to the third chapter, some social organizations have taken the initiative to undertake the government's public services, starting from the two parties and the impact on the society. Analysis of the positive role of doing so to society. 4th chapter combined with the problems arising from practice, the experience, using the logic theory to analyze the current situation of social organizations to undertake government services. And the obstacles need to be removed in time. Chapter 5th, for the long-term development of public services to give their own views, for the better development of social organizations to give advice.


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