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發(fā)布時間:2018-01-26 09:14

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 快遞服務(wù)合同 保價條款 損害賠償 法律風(fēng)險 出處:《中央民族大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:With the development of network and e-commerce, express delivery industry plays an important role in the market economy, the number of express delivery companies is increasing, the scale of expansion. 2016. With the "four links" and Shunfeng have entered the capital market, the express delivery industry ushered in a new situation, but at the same time, express damage compensation disputes never stopped. There is a great dispute about the price guarantee clause of express delivery service contract, especially the validity of the price guarantee clause, which has different views from all walks of life, even if it is not unified within the court. This article not only from the point of view of consumers, but also in the perspective of fairness in the protection of the price clause related to legal issues, with a view to putting forward some feasible suggestions. This article has three chapters. The first chapter introduces the related theory of the courier service contract price insurance clause. The first section introduces the nature of express delivery contract. The second section puts forward the basic theory of the insurance clause. The first part is the basic theory of the format contract including the most core issue of the format contract namely the relevant theory of the validity of the format clause. Laying the groundwork for the confirmation of the validity of the insurance clause; The second part is the characteristics and functions of the price clause, introduces the concept, development process and the rationality and necessity of its existence, and explains the basic theory of the price insurance clause at the beginning of the article. The second chapter is the analysis of the legal problems caused by the insurance clause. This chapter adopts several typical cases with different judgment results. Explain the legal background of the disunity of the court adjudication between the courier service disputes, draw out the main dispute of the insurance clause and the author's main point of view, and explain and explain one by one. This chapter is divided into four sections. Including express delivery disputes applicable to the law standards are not uniform, the effectiveness of the price clause is difficult to determine, damage compensation difficult to determine and the actual loss of proof is difficult. Chapter III is the perfection of the price clause. This chapter is divided into two sections. The first section is to introduce the foreign provisions of the relevant system and the inspiration to our country, through the comparison with the relatively perfect express delivery system in developed countries, to find the shortcomings of our country, learn from the advanced foreign system. Promote the development of express delivery industry, at the same time for the following preventive measures to do. The second section is the legal issues of price protection measures, through the above analysis, we can see the shortcomings of the express delivery system in our country. In order to solve the legal problems and further improve the price clause, we need to make efforts in a number of aspects, the author put forward six perfect suggestions, in order to be of value. To promote the development of express delivery industry is good and healthy.


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