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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-26 04:40

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 新時(shí)期 非公有制企業(yè) 黨建 出處:《湖北工業(yè)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:According to the spirit of the document "opinions on strengthening and improving the Construction of the Party in Non-public Enterprises" issued by the Office of the CPC Central Committee. Strengthening the construction of party organizations in non-public enterprises is not only the need to carry out the spirit of the 18 Party Congress and the spirit of the third Plenary session of the 18 CPC Central Committee, but also to comprehensively promote the new great project of party building. It is also to strengthen the leadership and construction of the party in non-public enterprises. A new task to promote the healthy development of the non-public ownership economy. Exploring the new situation and new problems in the party building work of non-public ownership enterprises has important guiding significance for speeding up the party building work of non-public ownership enterprises to continue to improve. This paper analyzes the current situation of party construction in non-public-owned enterprises in the new period. On the basis of grasping the achievements of the party construction in the non-public enterprises at present, this paper probes into the obstacles encountered in the practice of the party building work in the non-public enterprises. According to the spirit of the document "opinions on strengthening and improving the Construction of the Party in Non-public Enterprises" issued by the Office of the CPC Central Committee. This paper mainly includes five chapters: chapter one: introduction. Explain the origin and significance of this topic. From the perspective of theoretical and practical research, the existing research documents are reviewed and reviewed, and the main research contents and methods are introduced. And the related concepts are defined. Chapter two:. The course of the development of the party building in non-public enterprises. From the beginning of the emergence of the non-public sector of the economy to formally become the market economy can not be missing part of a comb. This paper analyzes the different characteristics of the national policies related to the party building in non-public enterprises in different periods. In order to understand the development of party building in non-public enterprises. Chapter III: strengthening and improving the practice of party building in non-public enterprises in the new period. Enumerate the national non-public enterprises to actively carry out party building cases. Analysis and reference. Chapter 4th: the current situation of strengthening and improving the party building in non-public enterprises. Mainly analyzes the difficulties encountered by the current non-public enterprises. Through the analysis of the causes of the plight, find out the crux of the problem. 5th chapter: further strengthen and improve the basic ways of non-public enterprises party building, aiming at the problems. According to the spirit of the document, the paper puts forward some feasible and guided suggestions and measures in order to provide theoretical and practical suggestions and suggestions for the party building in non-public enterprises.


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