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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-26 15:33

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng)征信 被征信人權(quán)益保護(hù) 隱私權(quán) 信用權(quán) 信息權(quán) 出處:《四川師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:Before 2015, the credit information industry of our country belongs to the traditional credit reporting with public nature, which is led by the people's Bank of China. January 2015. The people's Bank of China issued a notice on the preparation of personal credit reporting business, and published the list of the first batch of institutions that have obtained personal credit license plates, requesting Sesame credit and Tencent credit information. Since then, market capital has begun to enter the credit information industry of our country, set up credit agencies, and carry out credit information industry. Because of the nature of the eight credit agencies in the organization. Business development model and other aspects are closely related to the Internet, so a new type of credit information mode in China-Internet credit-from this gradually formed. 2015 is also known as the "first year" of Internet credit reporting, which plays a positive role in promoting the development of credit information and the construction of credit system in China. However, the traditional credit legislation does not fully consider the Internet credit reporting, so many provisions are not applicable; In addition, Internet crediting has the characteristics of different from the traditional credit reporting, resulting in the protection of the relevant rights of the creditbreakers is easy to be threatened. This paper aims at the problems in the protection of the rights of the creditbreakers, and draws lessons from the experience of extraterritorial credit legislation. The first chapter is the introduction, which mainly explains the research background, significance and innovation of this paper, and explains the current situation of the research on Internet credit at home and abroad. The second chapter is the general legal analysis of Internet credit, the concept of credit and Internet credit, and introduces the history and present situation of the development of Internet credit in China. Compared with the traditional credit, the analysis of its advantages. Internet credit reporting belongs to the contract behavior, and from the main body. The object and content of the basic legal relationship in the Internet credit inquiry. Chapter three discusses the rights enjoyed by the trustee, and focuses on the analysis of the right to privacy, credit rights. Three rights of personal information right. The concept, content, theory and other connotations are analyzed, and the three rights are compared and analyzed to explore their differences. Chapter 4th respectively from the current legislation. This paper analyzes the current situation of the protection of the rights of the creditbreakers from three aspects: the manifestation of infringement and the existing problems, and clarifies the legislative system and the corresponding protection system of the protection of the rights. The behavior of the rights and interests of the creditbreakers. It is revealed that the protection of the rights of the creditbreakers is unreasonable in the setting of the rights. The legal definition of the scope of credit information collection is unclear, the right to consent and the right to know are difficult to guarantee and so on. Chapter 5th examines the system of protection of the rights of the creditbreakers in overseas Internet credit reporting, and takes its essence; In view of the problems existing in the protection of the rights of the creditbreakers in our country, the author puts forward some suggestions for reconstructing the protection system of the rights of the creditbreakers: perfecting the laws and regulations related to Internet credit reporting; Standardizing the scope of credit information collection in Internet credit reporting; The right to consent and the right to know; Perfecting information sharing and credit rating; To encourage the development of industry self-discipline and improve the regulatory mechanism. Chapter 6th points out that the balance of the development of the Internet credit industry and the protection of the rights of the creditbreakers, whether theoretical research or credit legislation in the future. Should be aimed at the characteristics of Internet credit, as well as the new problems caused by it, clear the scope of Internet information collection, improve the system of protection of the rights of creditbreakers, etc. As a new type of credit reporting. The development prospect of Internet credit information is very good.


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