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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-26 03:09

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: “兩戶” 制度價(jià)值 保留 立法完善 出處:《廣東財(cái)經(jīng)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:The "two households" system, which is the richest with Chinese characteristics in our country's legal system, plays different roles in different historical periods, but it has some problems such as its legal status, nature and function. Whether theoretical research or judicial practice, there is a great deal of controversy. After the work of codification of Chinese civil code was restarted. This dispute once again becomes one of the hot issues. In 1986, the General principles of Civil Law provided for individual industrial and commercial households and rural contracted operators. Thirty years later. Must the General principles of the Civil Code provide for "two households" again? If so, what is its legitimacy and how should it be regulated? In order to answer these questions, it is necessary to comb, analyze and study the "two households" in the civil subject system. Through the discussion of the controversial issues in the system of "two households", this paper provides theoretical support for the continuation and perfection of the system of "two households" in the Civil Code of China. This paper takes the system of "two households" as the research content. First of all, it summarizes the general theory of "two households", combs the history of civil and commercial subject legislation in China, and collates the concept, legislative background, system value and domestic theoretical research of "two households". Summarize and summarize, and comment on the different schemes of "two households" system in the drafting of "General principles of Civil Law" at present, in order to have a general understanding and grasp of the object of study. Secondly. The "two households" system of the specific development of the status quo, the contributions made and the main problems are analyzed, the "two households" system's historical function, the specific situation is thoroughly analyzed. This paper makes a legislative investigation on the similar legal systems of the civil law system and the Anglo-American legal system, and finds out the law which can be used for reference in our country. Finally, the necessity and value significance of the existence of "two households" are demonstrated. As well as the advantages and disadvantages of the "two households" savings and scrapping analysis, the conclusion that continues to retain "two households", the reasons and put forward specific suggestions, such as the establishment of a supporting system, the formulation of "two households" debt bearing legal rules and so on. To make suggestions for the revision of the relevant articles of the General principles (draft) of Civil Law.


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