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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-25 20:43

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 民間環(huán)保組織 公共產(chǎn)品供給 政府職能轉(zhuǎn)變 政府購買 出處:《鄭州大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:In recent decades, China's economic construction has made brilliant achievements, but at the same time, the contradiction between economic growth and ecological environment, resource carrying capacity is increasingly prominent. In order to promote economic and social sustainable development. The report of the 18 National Congress of the Communist Party of China put the construction of ecological civilization and economic construction, political construction, cultural construction and social construction in parallel as the overall layout of "five in one". The importance of the construction of ecological civilization has been raised to an unprecedented height. It is the government's unshirkable responsibility to provide environmental protection for public goods. However, this does not mean that the government is the monopoly of the supply of environmental protection public goods or that the government must be the direct producer of environmental protection public goods, in fact. The participation of non-governmental organizations in the supply of environmental protection public goods is of great significance. Besides the value orientation of mobilizing people to participate in social governance activities, the participation of non-governmental organizations helps to strengthen the function of environmental protection of the government. It can make up for the insufficiency of the government's own strength, can also play a positive role in guiding the people to protect the ecological environment, at the same time. It can help the government to change from "economic construction" to "public service" and promote the balanced development of economic construction and social management. China's non-governmental environmental protection organizations have their own advantages in providing environmental protection public goods. For example, non-governmental organizations take root at the grass-roots level and have a broad mass base; In the forefront of environmental protection, more understanding of the ecological environment; Flexible, non-formal, more efficient. This paper takes the theory of government function and the theory of supply of public goods as the tool. In the context of the transformation of government functions, we focus on the basic status quo of non-governmental environmental protection organizations participating in the provision of environmental protection public goods, including the participation of non-governmental environmental protection organizations in the environmental protection functions performed by the government. Participate in the supply of environmental protection public goods and the problems encountered in the process of participation, and try to put forward solutions to the problem. Private environmental protection organizations in China participate in the supply of environmental protection public goods mainly reflected in environmental publicity and education, environmental monitoring and early warning. Environmental protection legal services and inter-state exchanges. Environmental protection organizations participate in the supply of environmental protection public goods in the following ways: "commissioned by the government, signed contracts;" "Government-led, mutual aid and cooperation" and "private environmental protection organizations spontaneously provide public services". But in the practice of the participation of non-governmental environmental protection organizations, there are many problems, for example, the strength of government purchase of services is not strong enough; The qualification of non-governmental environmental protection organizations is uneven; The legal status and system protection of the non-governmental environmental protection organizations, as well as the lack of funds of environmental protection organizations and government environmental protection departments, etc., in view of this, we need to take targeted, operational countermeasures and suggestions. Including standardizing the cooperative relationship between the government and non-governmental environmental protection organizations; Perfecting and institutionalizing the participation mechanism of civil society organizations; The government should increase the purchase of public services and strengthen the financial support for non-governmental environmental organizations; To improve the service quality of non-governmental environmental protection organizations and so on.


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