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發(fā)布時間:2018-01-25 18:56

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 中國共產(chǎn)黨 西柏坡精神 當(dāng)代價值 出處:《吉林大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:Great spirit was forged in brilliant history. The Party Central Committee was in the historical turning point period of Xibaipo in this year and ten months. The new form of the revolutionary spirit of the Communist Party of China, Xibaipo Spirit, which embodies the demands of the times, is formed. The scientific connotation of this spirit includes daring to struggle and dare to win. Everything for the masses, everything depends on the masses; Good at destroying the old world, good at building a new world; Be modest, prudent and arduous. General Secretary Xi Jinping once said during his visit to the Xibaipo Memorial: "for us Communists, the history of the Chinese revolution is the best nutrient." It is not only of great theoretical significance to deeply promote the study of Xibaipo spirit and its contemporary value. This thesis mainly expounds Xibaipo spirit and its contemporary value from the following four aspects. Chapter 1, introduction, expounds the meaning of carrying out Xibaipo spirit and its contemporary value research. Righteousness. And the research status of Xibaipo spirit has been systematically combed, using the research methods of the unity of party spirit and science, history and logic, inheritance and innovation. Innovation lies in the formation of the spirit of Xibaipo, the scientific connotation and contemporary value of the in-depth excavation and exposition. Chapter 2, Xibaipo spirit formation of the ideological source and practical basis part, elaborated Marxism. The excellent Chinese traditional culture and the Chinese revolutionary spirit in the past are the ideological sources of its formation. The new democratic revolution is about to win, and the Communist Party of China will soon be in power throughout the country. The construction of new China is going to be put into practice is the practical foundation of its formation. Chapter 3, the scientific connotation of Xibaipo spirit, expounds the revolutionary spirit of "two dares", that is, daring to struggle and dare to win. "two everything" is the spirit of relying on the masses for everything for the masses, and the spirit of "two being good" is good at destroying the old world and building a new world. "two musts" is the unremitting spirit of being modest, prudent, and hard working. The core and essence are "two musts" Chapter 4, the contemporary value of Xibaipo spirit, expounds that the contemporary value of carrying forward Xibaipo spirit is that the Chinese Communists continue to "catch up with the examination" of spiritual wealth. It is necessary to build a well-off society in an all-round way, strengthen the important magic weapon of the Party's ruling ability construction, promote the ideological weapon of the cultural power construction, and strengthen the precious wealth of the university culture construction. To realize the indispensable spiritual support of Chinese Dream.


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