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  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 刑事訴訟 證人 保護程序 出處:《廣西大學》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

[Abstract]:In the decision of the fourth Plenary session of the 18 CPC Central Committee on comprehensively promoting the ruling of the country according to law, it is proposed that "to promote the reform of the litigation system centered on trial", but at present the rate of witnesses appearing before the court in criminal proceedings in our country is low. One of the reasons is the lack of procedural protection for witness protection. This paper is divided into the following four parts: the first part mainly discusses the necessity of improving witness protection procedures. First. This paper defines the witness protection procedure as "in criminal proceedings, in order to make the witness's personal and property safety, reputation and mental health is not infringed, the main body of legal relations in the application for witness protection, acceptance and approval." The various litigation activities carried out in such links as enforcement and the relationship between rights and obligations arising therefrom "; Focus on the analysis of the provisions in the legislation of witness protection procedures in our country, rough, not strong operability, procedure construction is not complete, the relationship between rights and obligations between legal subjects is unclear. Second. This paper discusses the necessity of the perfect witness protection procedure to promote the witness to appear in court and to carry out the reform of "taking trial as the center". The second part discusses the application procedure of witness protection. In addition to the existing provisions, the object of witness protection should include other interested persons, victims and experts. Furthermore, seven specific reasons for "necessary protection" are further clarified. Second, the right to apply for witness protection of the subject includes four categories: witnesses, near relatives, other interested persons, victims and their representatives, investigative organs, courts; Finally, from investigation and prosecution to the end of the trial can apply for witness protection, the application includes oral and written two ways. The third part discusses the procedure of accepting and approving witness protection application. First. This paper discusses the principle that "the public security organ is the main body, the procuratorate, the court, the national security department and the military security department as the auxiliary" to determine the acceptance and examination and approval organs; Second, it clarifies the form and time limit for accepting and approving cases. The initial investigation period of a general case is seven working days, which can be extended by one to seven working days if the situation is complicated. After completing the examination and approval work and responding to the applicant within three working days after the investigation, the major criminal case shall first take protective measures before proceeding with the procedure application; Third, the application for inadmissibility and examination and approval may be relief by means of application for review, reconsideration or application for inspection and supervision. Part 4th deals with the execution procedure of witness protection. First. The public security organs are clearly established as executive organs. Second, according to the types of cases, different protection periods are set, and the protection period of general cases is less than five years; The duration of protection in major cases is five to twenty years; Recidivism, violent crimes, crimes against national security, terrorist activities and other cases are protected for life.


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