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  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 人權(quán) 住宅權(quán) 住宅權(quán)保障 出處:《山東大學》2007年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

【摘要】: 由于各種原因,屬于社會權(quán)體系的公民住宅權(quán)(又稱適足住房權(quán))一直未受到人們的重視,而體現(xiàn)著國家和政府責任的住宅權(quán)卻是公民應當享有的一項基本人權(quán)。目前,我國城鎮(zhèn)居民尤其是中低收入階層的住宅問題愈發(fā)成為社會的熱點問題,可以說國家和政府在公民住宅權(quán)保障方面并沒有盡到其應盡的義務,這也促使我們要加強公民住宅權(quán)保障方面的理論研究。 本文試圖從人權(quán)理論入手,深入分析公民住宅權(quán)的基本內(nèi)涵及其保障的必要性和方式。通過借鑒住宅權(quán)的國際標準以及對其他發(fā)達國家對公民住宅權(quán)保障制度的比較研究,并結(jié)合我國公民住宅權(quán)保障制度中所存在的缺陷,對我國應如何構(gòu)建公民住宅權(quán)法律保障制度提出一些政策和法律上的建議。 第一章將人權(quán)理論作為文章的切入點,簡單闡述了人權(quán)的基本內(nèi)涵、屬性、分類、保障方式以及與國家主權(quán)的關(guān)系,并在人權(quán)理論中穿插了公民住宅權(quán)的人權(quán)內(nèi)涵。作為公民應當享有的一項基本權(quán)利,公民住宅權(quán)的權(quán)利特征中必然帶有人權(quán)的權(quán)利色彩。由于公民住宅權(quán)屬于社會權(quán)的權(quán)利體系,第二章首先對社會權(quán)發(fā)展演變的歷史作了一個總體上的概括和綜述,,對社會權(quán)保障理論進行了梳理和回顧,進而對公民住宅權(quán)理論的發(fā)展進程和研究現(xiàn)狀進行了系統(tǒng)地總結(jié)。通過對公民住宅權(quán)理論發(fā)展的深刻思考,進一步對公民住宅權(quán)的基本概念、主體、內(nèi)容、保障的必要性以及實現(xiàn)的途徑進行了分析和闡述,從而將公民住宅權(quán)的權(quán)利理論展現(xiàn)和概括出來,并明確了國家和政府在公民住宅權(quán)保障方面的責任和義務。人權(quán)國際化已經(jīng)成為一種總體上的趨勢,第三章開篇即概括了國際人權(quán)文件以及人權(quán)機構(gòu)對公民住宅權(quán)內(nèi)容和保障標準所作出的相關(guān)規(guī)定,并援引了經(jīng)濟、社會及文化權(quán)利委員會對適足住房權(quán)(即住宅權(quán))標準的國際性宣告,從而為我國如何建立、健全公民住宅權(quán)法律制度提供了一個國際性的參考范本。結(jié)合公民住宅權(quán)國際標準的規(guī)定,本章還通過比較研究的方法,詳細地闡述和總結(jié)了世界上其他發(fā)達國家對本國公民住宅權(quán)進行保障的政策和立法經(jīng)驗,從而為我國構(gòu)建公民住宅權(quán)法律保障制度提供了可以借鑒的成功模式。我國政府和立法機關(guān)在城鎮(zhèn)居民住房緊張的現(xiàn)實狀況下陸續(xù)制定和頒布了一些政策和法律。但是,由于我國的住房制度改革起步較晚,當前實行的住房政策和法律中存在著許多的制度性缺陷,我國公民的住宅權(quán)也因此很難得到有效的保障和真正的實現(xiàn)。第四章首先闡明了我國城鎮(zhèn)居民的住宅現(xiàn)狀,并進一步分析了導致城鎮(zhèn)居民住宅權(quán)難以得到有效保障的制度性不足。根據(jù)世界上其他國家的住宅保障經(jīng)驗可知,公民住宅權(quán)的保障和實現(xiàn)需要政府的政策支持、國家的立法規(guī)定以及受到侵害時的司法救濟三個途徑予以解決。第五章即從行政政策、國家立法和公民住宅權(quán)的司法可訴性分析三個方面對我國應當如何構(gòu)建公民住宅權(quán)保障制度提出一些適合于我國國情的建議和主張。
[Abstract]:Due to various reasons, which belongs to the system of social rights of citizens right of residence (also known as the right to adequate housing) has been paid attention to by people, which reflects the state and government responsibility for the housing right is a basic human rights of citizens shall enjoy. At present, China's urban residents especially the housing problems of low-income groups has become the hot spot the problem of the society, can be said that the state and government in the protection of citizens' right of residence did not fulfil its obligations, this has prompted us to strengthen the theoretical research on the protection of the right to adequate housing.
This article starts from the theory of human rights, in-depth analysis of the basic connotation of the right to adequate housing and guarantee the necessity and way. By drawing on the housing right of international standard and the comparative study on the security system of the right to adequate housing in other developed countries, and combined with the defects of China's housing security system in the right in China how to construct and puts forward some policy suggestions on the legal residence right legal protection system.
The first chapter of human rights theory as a starting point of this article, briefly discusses the basic connotation of human rights, property, security classification, and the relationship between national sovereignty and the right to adequate housing, and with the connotation of human rights in the theory of human rights. As a basic right of citizens shall enjoy the rights, characteristics of citizen's housing rights in the inevitable with human rights color. Because of the right to adequate housing belongs to the social rights system, the second chapter of the history of development of social rights made a general summary and review, summarizes and reviews the social rights protection theory, and the development process of the right to adequate housing theory and research status of the system conclusion. Through profound reflection on the development of the right to adequate housing theory, further the basic concept, the main body of the right of citizens housing, the content, the necessity of the protection and Realization of ways The analysis and elaboration to citizen's housing rights rights theory show and summed up, and the state and the government in the protection of citizens housing rights responsibilities and obligations. Human rights internationalization has become a general trend, the third chapter is summarizes the relevant provisions of international human rights documents and human rights bodies made of citizens the housing right content and security standards, citing the economic, social and Cultural Rights Committee on the right to adequate housing (housing rights) international standard declaration, so as to how to establish our country, perfect citizen housing right legal system provides an international reference model. Combined with the provisions of the right to adequate housing international the standard, this chapter through the comparison research method, detailed description and summary of security policy and legislative experience of other developed countries in the world on its own citizens housing rights, and from China Provides a successful model can learn from the construction of civil housing rights legal protection system. Our government and the legislature in the reality of urban residents housing shortage under the formulated and promulgated a number of policies and laws. However, due to China's housing system reform started late, when there are many institutional defects before the implementation of the housing policy and law in our country, the right to adequate housing so it is difficult to get effective protection and real implementation. The fourth chapter illustrates the residential status of urban residents in China, and further analyzes the causes of urban residents housing rights can not be lack of effective protection system. According to the experience of other countries in the world of housing security the citizens housing rights protection and Realization of the need for government policy support, legislation and judicial remedies for violations as the three ways to solve. The five chapter, from three aspects of administrative policy, national legislation and judicial actionable analysis of citizens' housing right, puts forward some suggestions and proposals for how to build citizen's housing right guarantee system in China.



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