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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-21 19:01

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 法治化 政府 宗教組織 制度邏輯 行動(dòng)策略 出處:《貴州財(cái)經(jīng)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:With the deepening of the reform of the administrative system, various types of social organizations have been rapidly developed, social organizations actively participate in social governance and play a more and more important role. As a special social organization, the role of religious organizations in social governance is increasingly prominent. Religious organizations participate in social governance. In fact, it is the process of interaction with the government. Therefore, how the government and religious organizations interact with each other and how to interact with each other has become an urgent topic to be studied. This study cites and reconstructs institutional logic and action strategies as an analytical framework, and discusses the operational mechanism and internal motivation of the interaction between government and religious organizations from the perspective of public management, political science and sociology. The model of the interaction between the government and religious organizations is put forward, and on the basis of analyzing the basic conditions of benign interaction between the government and religious organizations, the benign interaction mechanism between government and religious organizations in the transitional period is constructed from an open perspective. For the new period to correctly understand and deal with the relationship between the government and religious organizations to provide a new way of thinking. According to the need, this study takes the relationship between the government and religious organizations in Shimenkan, Guizhou Province as the object of investigation, comprehensive use of interview method. The non-participation observation method and the literature method have collected a wealth of first-hand materials, which provides an important guarantee for the realization of research purposes. Based on this, this paper deeply analyzes the institutional logic and action strategies of the government and religious organizations, and finds out the findings. In the process of interaction between government and religious organizations, the government formed the logic of state and branch, and adopted the strategy of prudent guidance and recessive restriction under the guidance of different system logic, corresponding to it. Religious organizations have formed social logic and market logic, under the different institutional logic led by the choice of positive expansion and cautious cooperation strategy, according to institutional logic and action strategy of power and capacity. The dynamic changes of resources and interests, the independent interaction between the government and religious organizations and the dependent interaction, based on the analysis of the plight of the interaction between the government and religious organizations, this study is based on the background of rule by law. Taking the public interest as the consensus mechanism, the cooperative governance as the motive mechanism, the information technology as the supporting mechanism, and the legal framework as the safeguard mechanism, this paper constructs the benign interaction mechanism between the government and religious organizations. According to the conclusion of the study, the new trend of the state-social relationship is responded to.


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