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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-19 16:16

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 古籍整理 作品 鄰接權(quán) 不正當(dāng)競爭行為 出處:《鄭州大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:The inheritance of civilization needs a lot of carriers, one of which is the collection and protection of ancient books, but the protection of the achievements of ancient books arrangement is met with many problems. And how to seek legal protection when the work can not be constituted is still a huge dispute in theory and practice. On this basis. The purpose of this paper is to classify the achievements of ancient books collation through the scientific method of historical philology and put forward the view that not all the results of the collation of ancient books can constitute works. The paper also puts forward some suggestions on how to protect the ancient books which can not form part of the works. Besides the introduction and conclusion, the article includes four chapters. The first chapter discusses the collation of ancient books. The second chapter defines the various forms of the ancient book arrangement in the sense of philology and probes into whether the various forms of the ancient book arrangement can become the works in the sense of copyright. The three chapters seek the way to protect the neighboring rights which can not constitute the achievements of the collation of ancient books. In this part, through the tracing of the function of neighboring rights, to prove the consistency between the protection of ancient books collation achievement and the function of neighboring rights, to put forward to use neighboring rights to protect the results of ancient books collation that do not constitute works. And gives the specific rights expansion model needed to protect the ancient books under the current law. 4th chapter, from the perspective of the application of anti-unfair competition law. The author analyzes the feasibility of protecting the intellectual property rights of ancient book collation achievements. The author first discusses the feasibility and limitation of anti-unfair competition law to protect the intellectual property rights of ancient book collation achievements. Then this paper discusses whether the various infringement problems often encountered by the ancient book publishers or the ancient book collators in the collation and publication of ancient books are related to the unfair competition behavior. The author thinks that not all the achievements of ancient books collation can become the works in the sense of copyright, so the protection measures of the results of the ancient books collation can not be generalized, and the concrete situation should be analyzed concretely. If copyright cannot be protected, consider using neighboring rights or anti-unfair competition laws.


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