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發(fā)布時間:2018-01-19 18:38

  本文關鍵詞: 肯定性行動政策 民權運動 白人特權 演變 出處:《西南大學》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

[Abstract]:In 1961, President Kennedy issued executive order No. 10925, mentioned the "affirmative action" first in the order. But scholars generally believe that mark in 1965 President Johnson issued executive order 11246, as affirmative action began. Affirmative action policy is promulgated by the United States government in federal contracts to minority (African American, Latino, Asian Indians) and women's tilt of the administrative order, the history of the United States to eliminate racial discrimination, to achieve racial equality. This paper argues that the affirmative action policy in 40s to 60s the rise and development cannot do without the civil rights movement; through the analysis of the development of affirmative action policy in the field of higher education this paper argues that the evolution of the end of 70s, the affirmative action policy challenge is the rise of Neo conservatism, and left white privilege. The first chapter mainly summarizes the domestic Study of policy action must rise, development and challenge of books and periodicals. The second chapter studies the historical background of certain actions, that affirmative action cannot do without the rise of the civil rights movement. The specific performance of Randolph's "march on Washington" movement, forcing President Roosevelt issued executive order No. 8802, building fair Employment Practice Committee, the Committee for the rise of the affirmative action policy has laid a good foundation for.20 in 50s is the American civil rights movement with vigour and vitality development stage, including Montgomerie events, events in Little Rock and this movement have achieved victory. The civil rights movement, have a great influence on American society, one of the most direct is to American political influence, the president had to pay attention to black issues. The third chapter is "the U.S. government's affirmative action policy", the main The president Kennedy and executive order No. 10925, Johnson "bill of rights" and executive order No. 11246, Nixon and Philadelphia. During the tenure of the three presidents, affirmative action policy has been established and developed. It is worth noting that, in this period, the civil rights movement is the establishment and development of affirmative action the policy has played a positive role. The fourth chapter is the "affirmative action policy challenges, affirmative action is constantly controversy from the introduction, that the Supreme Court began hearing its constitutionality, President Reagan to take action against affirmative action, some states to repeal affirmative action policies of affirmative action in the United States today. Most of the state is still legal, but also limits. The affirmative action policy challenge is the affirmative action policy dilemma, left white privilege, as well as new. The rise of conservation.



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