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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-11 12:04
【摘要】:隨著國家對橋梁結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)施建設(shè)投入量的不斷提高,以及人們對結(jié)構(gòu)安全問題的日益關(guān)注,結(jié)構(gòu)損傷監(jiān)測技術(shù)已成為國內(nèi)外工程領(lǐng)域研究的熱點。結(jié)構(gòu)損傷監(jiān)測系統(tǒng)也已在大型橋梁中得到了廣泛應(yīng)用。傳統(tǒng)的有線監(jiān)測方式由于需要大量布線,會加大監(jiān)測對象的負荷,并且后期系統(tǒng)的維護工作也是相當麻煩的。采用無線傳感器網(wǎng)絡(luò)來實現(xiàn)傳感器節(jié)點部署和組網(wǎng),不僅可以避免接線繁瑣和環(huán)境破壞的困擾,而且還可以延長信息傳輸?shù)木嚯x。通過對傳感器的感知信息進行處理和分析,就能及時獲得結(jié)構(gòu)的受損情況,是實現(xiàn)橋梁結(jié)構(gòu)損傷在線監(jiān)測的最佳方案之一。 本文針對橋梁結(jié)構(gòu)多參數(shù)自動監(jiān)測技術(shù)的特點,利用新型無線網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù),設(shè)計了基于WSN的橋墩結(jié)構(gòu)多通道損傷監(jiān)測系統(tǒng),主要研究工作如下: (1)通過對橋梁結(jié)構(gòu)損傷監(jiān)測背景及現(xiàn)狀的分析,提出將WSN應(yīng)用于該監(jiān)測系統(tǒng)。采用無線通信技術(shù)ZigBee進行系統(tǒng)組網(wǎng),設(shè)計一種基于ZigBee的雙層無線傳感器網(wǎng)絡(luò)拓撲結(jié)構(gòu),來對實際大型復(fù)雜結(jié)構(gòu)進行全面高效率地遠程監(jiān)測。 (2)針對橋梁結(jié)構(gòu)采集的信號的多樣性,設(shè)計了一套獨立的多通道傳感器采集模塊,,該模塊的多通道設(shè)計可以將多種不同的采集信號同時發(fā)送到一個WSN節(jié)點上。系統(tǒng)的WSN節(jié)點、Sink節(jié)點、網(wǎng)關(guān)節(jié)點都采用TI公司推出的高度整合的系統(tǒng)級射頻收發(fā)模塊CC2530作為數(shù)據(jù)處理及無線收發(fā)的核心。利用CC2530優(yōu)秀的RF性能、和業(yè)界標準增強8051MCU內(nèi)核實現(xiàn)多通道數(shù)據(jù)處理及無線通信功能,增強了系統(tǒng)的可利用性。 (3)在IAR開發(fā)平臺下,運用高級語言C完成下位機軟件的編程,設(shè)計符合本文要求的軟件編程,包括多通道傳感器采集、無線通信及串口通信部分的程序設(shè)計。上位機采用虛擬儀器LabVIEW進行人機交互界面的開發(fā),將整個監(jiān)測界面分為串口操作、參數(shù)設(shè)置、各參數(shù)顯示窗口、生成獨立安裝程序4個部分,實現(xiàn)用戶管理、節(jié)點選擇、數(shù)據(jù)存儲查詢、遠程監(jiān)測等多種功能。 (4)以橋梁的下部結(jié)構(gòu)橋墩為例,模擬小車撞擊橋墩,對橋墩模型進行動態(tài)沖擊損傷監(jiān)測試驗。合理搭建車-墩撞擊實驗平臺,并根據(jù)橋墩結(jié)構(gòu)動態(tài)響應(yīng)的特點優(yōu)化布置傳感元件,采集結(jié)構(gòu)應(yīng)力、應(yīng)變及位移響應(yīng)等參數(shù)。通過無線節(jié)點逐級發(fā)送數(shù)據(jù)至網(wǎng)關(guān)節(jié)點,最后再以串口通信方式發(fā)送到上位機顯示。采用模式識別法,通過分析不同情況下橋墩結(jié)構(gòu)的損傷特征參數(shù),確定橋墩的損傷情況。
[Abstract]:With the increasing amount of national investment in the construction of bridge structures and the increasing attention to structural safety, structural damage monitoring technology has become a hot spot in the field of engineering at home and abroad. Structural damage monitoring system has also been widely used in large bridges. Because the traditional wired monitoring method needs a lot of wiring, it will increase the load of the monitoring object, and the maintenance work of the system in the later period is quite troublesome. Wireless sensor network (WSN) is used to implement sensor node deployment and networking, which can not only avoid the troublesome connection and environment damage, but also extend the distance of information transmission. By processing and analyzing the sensing information of the sensor, the damage situation of the structure can be obtained in time, and it is one of the best schemes to realize the on-line monitoring of the damage of the bridge structure. In this paper, according to the characteristics of multi-parameter automatic monitoring technology of bridge structure, a multi-channel damage monitoring system for pier structure based on WSN is designed by using the new wireless network technology. The main research work is as follows: (1) based on the analysis of the background and present situation of bridge structure damage monitoring, the application of WSN to the monitoring system is put forward. The wireless communication technology ZigBee is used to build the network of the system, and a two-layer wireless sensor network topology based on ZigBee is designed. (2) aiming at the diversity of the signals collected by bridge structure, a set of independent multi-channel sensor acquisition module is designed. The multi-channel design of this module can transmit different signals to a single WSN node at the same time. The WSN nodes, Sink nodes and gateway nodes of the system all adopt CC2530, a highly integrated RF transceiver module, which is developed by TI Company, as the core of data processing and wireless transceiver. Using the excellent RF performance of CC2530 and the industry standard to enhance the 8051MCU kernel to realize the multi-channel data processing and wireless communication function, it enhances the system's availability. (3) under the IAR development platform, The programming of the lower computer software is accomplished by using the high level language C, and the software program that meets the requirements of this paper is designed, including the program design of multi-channel sensor collection, wireless communication and serial communication. The host computer uses virtual instrument LabVIEW to develop the man-machine interface. The whole monitoring interface is divided into four parts: serial port operation, parameter setting, parameter display window, independent installation program, user management and node selection. Data storage and query, remote monitoring and other functions. (4) taking the substructure pier of the bridge as an example, simulating the impact of the vehicle against the pier, the dynamic impact damage monitoring test of the pier model is carried out. According to the characteristics of the dynamic response of the pier structure, the sensor elements are optimized and the structural stress, strain and displacement responses are collected. The data is sent to the gateway node through the wireless node step by step, and then sent to the host computer by serial communication mode. By analyzing the damage characteristic parameters of pier structure under different conditions, the damage condition of pier is determined by pattern recognition method.


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