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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-11 11:16
【摘要】:本文以龍旺大橋?yàn)橐劳泄こ?分別從墩臺(tái)施工、0#施工、掛籃施工及合攏施工等方面進(jìn)行了施工方案的設(shè)計(jì)與布置,對(duì)施工的技術(shù)質(zhì)量要求作出明確的要求,對(duì)關(guān)鍵性工程進(jìn)行了專項(xiàng)的設(shè)計(jì)與驗(yàn)算,對(duì)實(shí)際的工程建設(shè)具有重要的參考價(jià)值。本文的主要結(jié)論如下: 1、針對(duì)位于水中的4#、5#橋墩的大體積混凝土承臺(tái)施工進(jìn)行的專項(xiàng)的施工方案設(shè)計(jì),提出在筑島圍堰上直接插打鎖口鋼管樁形成圍堰施工承臺(tái)的方法,并根據(jù)實(shí)際水文情況進(jìn)行了計(jì)算,提出了施工所用材料的各項(xiàng)性能指標(biāo); 2、0#塊的施工是整個(gè)橋梁施工的控制性工程,關(guān)系著整個(gè)工程的質(zhì)量和后期的運(yùn)營。針對(duì)龍旺大橋工程特點(diǎn),本文提出了0#的施工方案及0#支架搭設(shè)及設(shè)計(jì)與計(jì)算的全部工作,并計(jì)算了0#支架的受力性能,計(jì)算了底模的受力、縱向分配梁的受力、橫向分配梁的受力、貝雷梁的受力、樁頂分配梁的受力以及鋼管樁的受力,從各個(gè)方面對(duì)支架以及支架上的模版進(jìn)行受力計(jì)算,保證施工的安全可靠; 3、采用掛籃施工的橋梁,主梁施工基本上就是在掛籃上完成的,掛籃質(zhì)量的好壞與穩(wěn)定性直接關(guān)系到施工的安全性與線型的控制。本文對(duì)龍旺大橋的主梁施工掛籃進(jìn)行了針對(duì)性的設(shè)計(jì),以使?jié)M足本橋的階段劃分的特殊要求。文章設(shè)計(jì)了掛籃的總體組成、掛籃的安裝、掛籃的預(yù)壓及掛籃的前移。本文對(duì)設(shè)計(jì)好的掛籃進(jìn)行了相應(yīng)的計(jì)算,依次進(jìn)行了掛籃底模系統(tǒng)及吊桿的計(jì)算,底?v梁驗(yàn)算,底模前、后下橫梁的受力性能,上橫梁的受力性能,底模前、后吊帶的力學(xué)性能,并對(duì)掛籃的主桁以及掛籃在自重和沖擊荷載作用下遷移進(jìn)行了受力分析,使之逐一通過驗(yàn)算,保證掛籃的安全使用,保證工程能夠保質(zhì)保量的順利完成; 4、本文對(duì)橋梁的邊跨合攏段和中跨合攏段進(jìn)行了施工設(shè)計(jì),并對(duì)合攏方案進(jìn)行了相應(yīng)的驗(yàn)算。通過邊跨合攏段及中跨合攏段的計(jì)算,控制合攏的受力條件,保證橋梁的順利合攏,同時(shí)也保證了合攏的安全與施工的質(zhì)量。 本文通過依托工程龍旺大橋,研究了橋梁施工的整個(gè)流程,并對(duì)施工過程中的關(guān)鍵性工程進(jìn)行了相應(yīng)的施工方案設(shè)計(jì),并對(duì)設(shè)計(jì)的方案進(jìn)行了對(duì)應(yīng)的驗(yàn)算,保證每一步工作的科學(xué)性和完整性,為橋梁的順利施工提供了科學(xué)的依據(jù),保證了橋梁的施工安全與質(zhì)量,為同類工程提供參考。
[Abstract]:Based on the Longwang Bridge, this paper designs and arranges the construction schemes from the aspects of pier and abutment construction, 0# construction, hanging basket construction and closing construction, and makes clear requirements for the technical quality of construction. The special design and checking calculation of the key engineering are carried out, which has important reference value for the actual engineering construction. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: 1. The design of the special construction scheme for the mass concrete cap construction of 4 #an bridge piers in water. This paper puts forward the method of directly inserting lock hole steel pipe pile to form cofferdam construction cap, and calculates according to the actual hydrological situation, and puts forward the performance indexes of the materials used in construction. 2the construction of the block is the control project of the whole bridge construction, which is related to the quality of the whole project and the later operation. In view of the engineering characteristics of Longwang Bridge, this paper puts forward the construction scheme of 0# and the whole work of erection, design and calculation of 0# support, and calculates the mechanical behavior of the support, the force of bottom form and the force of longitudinal distribution beam. In order to ensure the safety and reliability of the construction, the forces of the transverse distribution beam, the Beere beam, the top of the pile distribution beam and the steel pipe pile are calculated from various aspects. (3) the construction of the main girder is basically completed on the hanging basket, and the quality and stability of the hanging basket are directly related to the safety and the control of the alignment of the construction. In this paper, the construction basket of the main girder of Longwang Bridge is designed in order to meet the special requirements of the stage division of the bridge. This paper designs the overall composition of the hanging basket, the installation of the hanging basket, the preloading of the hanging basket and the forward movement of the hanging basket. In this paper, the corresponding calculation of the designed hanging basket is carried out, including the calculation of the hanging basket bottom mould system and the hanging rod in turn, the checking calculation of the bottom die longitudinal beam, the mechanical behavior of the front and back bottom beam, the mechanical performance of the upper beam, the front of the bottom die, The mechanical properties of the rear suspension belt, and the force analysis of the main truss of the hanging basket and the transfer of the hanging basket under the action of deadweight and impact load are carried out to ensure the safe use of the hanging basket and the smooth completion of the project under the influence of self-weight and impact load one by one through checking calculation. 4. In this paper, the construction design of the side span closure section and the middle span closure section of the bridge is carried out, and the corresponding checking calculation of the closing scheme is carried out. Through the calculation of the side span closing section and the middle span closing section, the stress condition of the closure is controlled to ensure the smooth closure of the bridge, and at the same time, the safety of the closure and the quality of the construction are guaranteed. Based on the Longwang Bridge, the whole construction process of the bridge is studied, and the corresponding construction scheme design of the key project in the construction process is carried out, and the corresponding checking calculation of the design scheme is carried out. To ensure the scientific and integrity of each step of the work, to provide a scientific basis for the smooth construction of the bridge, to ensure the safety and quality of the bridge construction, and to provide reference for similar projects.


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