
當前位置:主頁 > 科技論文 > 交通工程論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2018-10-11 10:30
[Abstract]:Tunnel construction will inevitably cause formation deformation, which will adversely affect the adjacent surface buildings. Based on the engineering background of Beijing Metro Line 9 military Museum Station-DongDiaoyutai Station Tunnel passing through China Century Altar at short distance, the risk analysis of the influence of tunnel construction on China Century Altar is carried out, and the corresponding control measures are put forward. Then by using fluid-solid coupling numerical analysis, the key factors such as the construction sequence of left line and right line, radial grouting, leading small pipe grouting and the relationship between tunnel and building position are studied, and the construction monitoring data are combined. The characteristics of surface settlement, settlement and inclination of China Century Altar altar and settlement of underground pipeline caused by tunnel sideway construction are analyzed.
【作者單位】: 北京中咨正達交通工程科技有限公司;北京交通大學土木建筑工程學院;吉林大學交通學院;


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