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  本文選題:隧道 + 交叉裂隙 ; 參考:《石家莊鐵道大學》2016年碩士論文

【摘要】:采用數值分析的方法,對高壓富水區(qū)交叉裂隙巖體隧道滲流場進行分析,并著重分析了注漿圈參數對滲流場特征的影響。根據隧道施工的特點,用三維離散元軟件3DEC建立模型,并進行分析計算。闡述了在模型豎直方向存在3條(間距10 m)垂直于隧道軸向與10條(間距10 m)平行于隧道軸向的多組裂隙交叉時,初始狀態(tài)、未注漿開挖、注漿后開挖、施作噴混凝土、施作二次襯砌及排水系統這五個主要施工過程的模型建立方式,對其進行數值模擬,得出每一步施工后隧道背后水壓力分布情況及滲流場的特征,然后選取4條裂隙進行深入分析(垂直隧道軸線裂隙、過隧道開挖面裂隙,過注漿圈裂隙,注漿圈外裂隙),通過對其變化特征的分析,得出了在高壓富水交叉裂隙巖體隧道施工中每一個施工步驟對上一個施工步驟的影響。采用施作噴混凝土后的高壓富水交叉裂隙巖體隧道模型,著重分析了注漿圈的厚度及其等效滲透系數(填充率)對滲流場特征的影響,并給出合理取值范圍(注漿圈厚度2~8 m;注漿圈等效滲透系數2×10-8~1×10-7 m/s)。分析表明,隨著注漿圈厚度的增加,噴混凝土背后水壓力逐漸減小,涌入隧道中的水量逐漸減少,注漿圈厚度在0~10 m范圍時,對噴混凝土背后水壓力及隧道滲水量有明顯的影響;注漿圈等效滲透系數越小,噴混凝土背后水壓力越小,注漿圈等效滲透系數在0~1×10-7 m/s范圍時,對噴混凝土背后水壓力及隧道滲水量影響最大。選取合理注漿圈參數,對兩種不同工況(豎直方向交叉裂隙巖體隧道與豎直水平方向交叉裂隙巖體隧道)進行數值模擬,得出兩種工況下隧道背后水壓力對襯砌的影響程度及裂隙間水壓力變化情況。
[Abstract]:The seepage field of cross fissure rock mass tunnel in high pressure and rich water region is analyzed by numerical method, and the influence of grouting ring parameters on seepage field is analyzed emphatically.According to the characteristics of tunnel construction, the model is established by using three dimensional discrete element software 3DEC, and analyzed and calculated.In this paper, when there are three groups of cracks crossing perpendicular to the tunnel axis and 10 parallel to the tunnel axis in the vertical direction of the model, the initial state, the excavation without grouting, the excavation after grouting, and the application of shotcrete are described.The models of the five main construction processes of secondary lining and drainage system are built, and the numerical simulation is carried out to obtain the distribution of water pressure behind the tunnel and the characteristics of seepage field after each step of construction.Then four fractures are selected for further analysis (vertical tunnel axis fissure, cross tunnel excavation surface crack, grouting ring crack, grouting ring fissure, grouting ring outer fissure, through the analysis of its variation characteristics.The influence of each construction step on the last construction step in the construction of high pressure water-rich cross fissure rock mass tunnel is obtained.In this paper, the tunnel model of high pressure water-rich cross fissure rock mass is used to analyze the influence of grouting ring thickness and equivalent permeability coefficient (filling ratio) on seepage field characteristics.The reasonable range (thickness of grouting ring is 2 ~ 8 m), equivalent permeability coefficient of grouting ring is 2 脳 10 ~ (-8) m / s ~ (-1) 脳 10 ~ (-7) m 路s ~ (-1).The analysis shows that with the increase of the thickness of grouting ring, the pressure of water behind the shotcrete decreases gradually, and the amount of water flowing into the tunnel decreases gradually. When the thickness of grouting ring is in the range of 0 ~ 10 m,The smaller the equivalent permeability coefficient of the grouting ring, the smaller the water pressure behind the shotcrete, and the less the equivalent permeability coefficient of the grouting ring is in the range of 0 脳 10 ~ (-7) m / s.It has the greatest influence on the water pressure behind the shotcrete and the seepage amount of the tunnel.Two different working conditions (vertical cross fractured rock mass tunnel and vertical horizontal cross fractured rock mass tunnel) are numerically simulated by selecting reasonable grouting ring parameters.The influence of water pressure on lining and the variation of water pressure between cracks are obtained.


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