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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-13 16:22

  本文選題:加速度傳感器 + GPS全球定位系統(tǒng)。 參考:《北京工業(yè)大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:在汽車工業(yè)高速發(fā)展的現(xiàn)代,汽車已成為了人們現(xiàn)在出行主要的交通工具之一,但是因交通事故的傷亡數(shù)量也十分巨大。汽車作為人類文明的標(biāo)志,徹底改變了人類發(fā)展的歷史進程,給人類以舒適和便捷等正面效應(yīng)的同時也給人類生活帶來一些負(fù)面效應(yīng),并造成了大量的生命和財產(chǎn)損失。而發(fā)生車禍時,,如果司機發(fā)生昏迷而且發(fā)生車禍的路段又沒有車輛或行人經(jīng)過,司機就不能得到及時的救治。雖然目前國內(nèi)外已經(jīng)在應(yīng)用多種車禍報警系統(tǒng),但是大多產(chǎn)品需要安裝在汽車上且價格昂貴,而利用手機實現(xiàn)車禍自動報警的系統(tǒng)具有廣闊的市場前景。 該系統(tǒng)正是基于以上情況開發(fā)出的一套基于Android系統(tǒng)的加速度傳感器的車禍報警與定位系統(tǒng)。本文充分研究了加速度傳感器,以及GPS(Global PositionSystem)導(dǎo)航系統(tǒng)和GSM(Global System for Mobile Communication)無線通信技術(shù)的工作原理,從碰撞速度與時間的關(guān)系上推出根據(jù)加速度來判斷車禍發(fā)生的可能性,從項目背景和研究意義出發(fā),利用LocationManager實現(xiàn)了加速度的實時判定、經(jīng)緯度的實時顯示及通過Java Me的定時器在30s內(nèi)自動發(fā)送信息等功能,在發(fā)生交通事故時可以達到快速求助救援的目的。 該系統(tǒng)可以在手機上獨立使用,方便卸載和安裝,費用也較低廉,自動發(fā)送報警短信,信息全面精確,最大可能地減少誤報,提高救援效率,彌補了手機移動終端在車禍報警領(lǐng)域的空缺,這是該系統(tǒng)的最大優(yōu)勢。最后,通過測試指出了系統(tǒng)需要改進的問題。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of automobile industry, automobile has become one of the main means of transportation, but the number of casualties due to traffic accidents is very large.As the symbol of human civilization, automobile has completely changed the historical process of human development, and has brought some negative effects to human life, and caused a great deal of loss of life and property, while bringing about positive effects such as comfort and convenience.In the event of an accident, if the driver is unconscious and no vehicles or pedestrians pass through the road where the accident occurs, the driver will not be able to get timely treatment.Although a variety of car accident alarm systems have been used at home and abroad, most of the products need to be installed on the vehicle and the price is expensive.The system is based on the above development of the Android system based on the acceleration sensor car accident alarm and positioning system.In this paper, the working principle of acceleration sensor, GPS(Global position system navigation system and GSM(Global System for Mobile communication technology is fully studied, and the possibility of judging the occurrence of traffic accident according to acceleration is deduced from the relation between collision velocity and time.Based on the background of the project and the significance of the research, the functions of determining the acceleration in real time, displaying the latitude and longitude in real time and sending information automatically through the timer of Java me in 30s are realized by using LocationManager.In the event of a traffic accident can achieve the purpose of quick help to rescue.The system can be used independently on the mobile phone, easy to uninstall and install, and the cost is low. The system can send alarm messages automatically, and the information is comprehensive and accurate. The system can reduce false positives as far as possible and improve the rescue efficiency.Make up the mobile phone mobile terminal in the field of car accident alarm gap, this is the biggest advantage of the system.Finally, the problems that need to be improved are pointed out through the test.


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