

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-01 23:53

  本文選題:伊春 + 人力資源市場(chǎng); 參考:《黑龍江大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to establish a unified and standardized human resources market to promote the rational flow and effective allocation of human resources. Since the establishment of Yichun human resources market, after 20 years of development and changes, it has made certain achievements in the construction of talent market system, the construction of laws and regulations, and the allocation of regional human resources. However, with the further development of society, Yichun's human resources market is also faced with problems such as single service content, extensive, piecemeal, disorganized management and low level operation, which are incompatible with the current economic development. Compared with the development of human resource service industry in developed cities, there is still a certain gap. Based on the theory of human resource management, and combining with its own work, taking Yichun human resource market as an example, this paper systematically analyzes the present situation, problems and causes of its management and development. The problems in the development of Yichun human resource market are analyzed. On this basis, combined with Yichun's own development advantages and regional experience, this paper puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions for the healthy development of Yichun human resources market, and provides some valuable ideas for the development of human resources market in small and medium-sized cities.


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