

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-01 23:32

  本文選題:健全 + 農(nóng)民工; 參考:《東北師范大學》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:由于歷史的原因,從1978年改革開放開始,城鄉(xiāng)二元化結構的矛盾不斷加大城鄉(xiāng)之間社會保障水平的差距。發(fā)展中國家的城市偏向戰(zhàn)略主導著大量農(nóng)村剩余勞動力遷移到城市,特別是大中城市。 學界把這些仍然擁有農(nóng)村戶籍,卻常年在城市進行非農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)的“農(nóng)民”稱作農(nóng)民工。農(nóng)民工這一群體幾十年如一日在城市里揮灑汗水,為城市建設、社會的發(fā)展貢獻著自己的力量。截至2012年末,我國農(nóng)民工總量達到26261萬人,同比增長3.9%。① 然而,另一方面,由于存在著戶籍管理等各方面的制度缺陷,使這一日益壯大的群體無法與擁有城市戶口的居民平等地享受城市各種基本的公共福利。沒有充分享受到城市日新月異發(fā)展的成果。從事建筑業(yè)的農(nóng)民工多居住在建設工地的臨時板房中,從事制造業(yè)和服務業(yè)的農(nóng)民工多居住在城鄉(xiāng)結合部或者幾人一間甚至幾十人一間的出租屋里,環(huán)境衛(wèi)生和生活條件都很差,這樣的生存生活環(huán)境對農(nóng)民工和農(nóng)民工子女的身體健康和心理健康都產(chǎn)生了某些程度上的消極的影響,甚至還為一些疫病的發(fā)生和傳播提供了條件。也與漂亮的城市中心形成鮮明的對比。 針對這一現(xiàn)實困境,國家在建立、健全農(nóng)民工基本社會保險制度的同時,也出臺了一些政策法規(guī),旨在改善農(nóng)民工的基本居住環(huán)境。但如何建立長效機制,幫助農(nóng)民工解決現(xiàn)有的住房問題,是農(nóng)民工市民化的一個基礎工程。這也成為近幾年社會保障專業(yè)領域內可以認真研究探討的基本問題之一。 黨的十八大和十八屆三中全會相繼提出了構建城鄉(xiāng)一體化的社會保障體系這一遠景。健全農(nóng)民工的住房保障制度是其中一個重要方面,,同時也是構建社會主義和諧社會的一項基本要求。 本文通過對現(xiàn)階段我國農(nóng)民工居住現(xiàn)狀的調查分析,掌握現(xiàn)有農(nóng)民工在城市居住的主要居住形式、居住條件及居住愿景。通過總結、分析從中發(fā)現(xiàn)的問題,研究現(xiàn)有一些城市農(nóng)民工住房保障制度的實施方式,又對一些發(fā)達國家城市化過程中外來人口的住房保障經(jīng)驗和我國一些地方的試驗性工程進行了借鑒,提出了健全農(nóng)民工住房保障制度的創(chuàng)新路徑,努力探索出符合我國國情的相對健全的農(nóng)民工住房保障制度。也希望本文能夠對構建城鄉(xiāng)一體化的社會保障體系有所幫助。
[Abstract]:Due to historical reasons, the contradiction of urban-rural dual structure has been increasing the gap of social security level between urban and rural areas since the reform and opening up in 1978. The urban bias strategy in developing countries dominates the migration of rural surplus labor to cities, especially in large and medium cities. Scholars refer to these farmers who still have rural household registration, but who produce non-agricultural products in cities all the year round as migrant workers. Migrant workers as a group of decades in the city as a sweat, for urban construction, social development contribution to their own strength. By the end of 2012, the total number of migrant workers in China had reached 262.61 million, an increase of 3.9.1% over the same period last year. However, on the other hand, because of the defects of household registration management and other aspects of the system, this growing group can not enjoy the basic public welfare of the city on an equal footing with the residents with urban hukou. The fruits of the rapid development of the city have not been fully enjoyed. Most of the migrant workers engaged in the construction industry live in temporary houses on construction sites, while migrant workers engaged in manufacturing and service industries mostly live in urban and rural areas or in rental houses with a few people or even dozens of people. Environmental hygiene and living conditions are very poor. Such living and living conditions have had some negative effects on the physical and mental health of migrant workers and their children. It even provides conditions for the occurrence and spread of some diseases. It is also in sharp contrast to the beautiful city center. In order to improve the basic living environment of migrant workers, the state has established and perfected the basic social insurance system for migrant workers, and has also issued some policies and regulations to improve the basic living environment of migrant workers. However, how to establish a long-term mechanism to help migrant workers to solve the existing housing problems is a basic project for the urbanization of migrant workers. This has become one of the basic problems in the field of social security in recent years. The 18th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee successively put forward the vision of constructing a social security system integrated with urban and rural areas. Improving the housing security system of migrant workers is one of the important aspects, but also a basic requirement of building a harmonious socialist society. Based on the investigation and analysis of the current living conditions of migrant workers in China, this paper grasps the main living forms, living conditions and living prospects of the existing migrant workers living in cities. Through summing up, analyzing the problems found out, and studying the implementation of the housing security system for some urban migrant workers, It also draws lessons from the experience of housing security of foreign population in the process of urbanization in some developed countries and some pilot projects in some places of our country, and puts forward the innovative ways to perfect the housing security system of migrant workers. Strive to explore a relatively sound housing security system for migrant workers in line with China's national conditions. I also hope that this paper can be helpful to the construction of urban and rural integration of social security system.


相關期刊論文 前4條

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