

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-31 01:11

  本文選題:濟南市 + 住房保障制度; 參考:《山東大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:住房保障作為社會保障的一個重要組成部分,對于維護公民基本的生存權(quán)利,進而實現(xiàn)社會和諧穩(wěn)定具有重要的意義。這是關(guān)系到黨和政府形象和公信力的民心工程,意義深遠,責(zé)任重大。但是由于地區(qū)間經(jīng)濟社會發(fā)展水平的不平衡和城市建設(shè)程度差異化的客觀存在,濟南市住房保障制度在運行過程中還是存在著一些問題。能否解決好這些問題,是住房保障制度規(guī)范有序運行的重要保障。正是基于這種考慮,本文對濟南市現(xiàn)階段住房保障運行的情況和存在問題進行了研究和分析。 文章除緒論外分為五章。緒論主要包括選題背景、研究意義、文獻綜述、論文的基本結(jié)構(gòu)、研究方法和論文的創(chuàng)新點。第二章是概念闡釋和現(xiàn)狀調(diào)查,對保障性住房的概念、與社會保障范疇的關(guān)系和房屋種類的區(qū)別進行了表述,對我國住房保障體系的建立及發(fā)展歷程進行劃分,對濟南市的發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀進行了總結(jié)。第三章是對濟南市保障性住房建設(shè)制度的分析,分別從我市住房保障的需求和運行過程中存在的問題進行剖析。第四章是國內(nèi)外經(jīng)驗對濟南市住房保障工作的啟示。文章主要介紹了美國、加拿大、日本、新加坡、香港等國內(nèi)外發(fā)達地區(qū)住房保障制度推行的經(jīng)驗,以便從中尋求有益借鑒。第五章是對完善濟南住房保障制度的提出的思路與對策。最后文章對濟南市住房保障制度的發(fā)展進行了展望。 本文認為,住房保障是社會保障體系的一個不可或缺的組成部分,實施城市住房保障制度是貫徹科學(xué)發(fā)展觀,是實現(xiàn)全體人民“住有所居”目標(biāo)的關(guān)鍵環(huán)節(jié)和推動建設(shè)和諧社會戰(zhàn)略決策的體現(xiàn)。住房保障作為密切關(guān)系民生的一項重要舉措,切實可行的政策將會有力保證后續(xù)工作的開展和有效實施。本文希望通過對濟南市住房保障制度的研究喚起公眾對社會保障制度的重視,從而推進社會的和諧穩(wěn)定發(fā)展。
[Abstract]:As an important part of social security, housing security plays an important role in safeguarding citizens' basic survival rights and realizing social harmony and stability. This is related to the image and credibility of the party and government project, far-reaching significance, responsibility. However, due to the imbalance of regional economic and social development level and the objective existence of urban construction degree difference, there are still some problems in the operation of housing security system in Jinan. Whether or not these problems can be solved is an important guarantee for the orderly operation of housing security system. Based on this consideration, this paper studies and analyzes the current situation and problems of housing security operation in Jinan. In addition to the introduction, the article is divided into five chapters. The introduction mainly includes the background, significance, literature review, basic structure of the paper, research methods and innovative points of the paper. The second chapter is the concept explanation and the present situation investigation, has carried on the elaboration to the indemnificatory housing concept, and the social security category relations and the housing type difference, has carried on the division to our country housing security system establishment and the development course. The present situation of Jinan is summarized. The third chapter is the analysis of Jinan housing construction system, respectively from the needs of housing security in our city and the problems in the process of operation. The fourth chapter is the enlightenment of the domestic and foreign experience to the housing security work in Jinan. This paper mainly introduces the experience of housing security system in developed regions such as the United States, Canada, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong and so on, in order to seek useful reference from it. The fifth chapter is to perfect Jinan housing security system put forward ideas and countermeasures. Finally, the paper prospects the development of housing security system in Jinan. This paper holds that housing security is an indispensable part of the social security system, and the implementation of the urban housing security system is the implementation of the scientific concept of development. It is the key link to realize the goal of "living and living" and the embodiment of the strategic decision to promote the construction of a harmonious society. Housing security is an important measure closely related to people's livelihood. Practical policies will ensure the development and effective implementation of follow-up work. This paper hopes to arouse the public's attention to the social security system through the study of the housing security system in Jinan, so as to promote the harmonious and stable development of the society.


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