

發(fā)布時間:2018-03-29 16:33

  本文選題:電動自行車 切入點:廢舊鉛酸蓄電池 出處:《燕山大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:近年來,電動自行車做為一種新興交通工具,無燃油和尾氣排放、低能耗、綠色環(huán)保,正在廣泛地被人們接受,并逐步地替代摩托車、自行車,成為大眾普及的交通工具。閥控密封鉛蓄電池電動自行車不僅性能滿足了消費者需求,而且價格也能被消費者接受,占據(jù)著電動自行車市場份額的95%以上。在我國電動自行車龐大基數(shù)以及鉛酸電池使用壽命短、污染嚴重的背景下,人們開始對電動自行車廢舊鉛酸蓄電池逆向物流產(chǎn)生了極大的關(guān)注。同時,在企業(yè)競爭激烈的今天,資源成為了企業(yè)爭奪的重點。電動自行車企業(yè)要發(fā)展壯大,不但需要建立完善的分銷物流網(wǎng)絡(luò),更需要建立電動自行車廢舊鉛酸蓄電池逆向物流網(wǎng)絡(luò);谏鲜,本文主要對電動自行車廢舊鉛酸蓄電池網(wǎng)絡(luò)構(gòu)建進行研究。 首先,對生產(chǎn)者責(zé)任延伸制度理論、循環(huán)經(jīng)濟、低碳經(jīng)濟、可持續(xù)發(fā)展理論、逆向物流及網(wǎng)絡(luò)相關(guān)理論進行闡述的基礎(chǔ)上,提出了電動自行車廢舊鉛酸蓄電池逆向物流網(wǎng)絡(luò)構(gòu)建的基本思路。 其次,分析了我國電動自行車廢舊鉛酸蓄電池逆向物流現(xiàn)狀、電動自行車企業(yè)在構(gòu)建廢舊鉛酸蓄電池逆向物流網(wǎng)絡(luò)的環(huán)境,并使用網(wǎng)絡(luò)分析法為電動自行車企業(yè)選擇最優(yōu)的廢舊鉛酸蓄電池逆向物流運營模式。 再次,在分析電動自行車廢舊鉛酸蓄電池逆向物流網(wǎng)絡(luò)功能、結(jié)構(gòu)及電動自行車廢舊鉛酸蓄電池處理流程基礎(chǔ)上,構(gòu)建一個考慮投資成本、運輸成本和存儲成本的電動自行車廢舊鉛酸蓄電池逆向物流網(wǎng)絡(luò),建立非線性混合整數(shù)規(guī)劃模型,對該網(wǎng)絡(luò)網(wǎng)絡(luò)進行優(yōu)化。 最后,針對電動自行車企業(yè)A,選取了該企業(yè)在河北的經(jīng)銷商為研究對象,,通過對其11個地級市分銷網(wǎng)絡(luò)及運營狀況調(diào)研,收集整理數(shù)據(jù),為A企業(yè)在河北省的廢舊鉛酸蓄電池逆向物流選擇適宜的運營模式,構(gòu)建了廢舊鉛酸蓄電池逆向物流網(wǎng)絡(luò),使用LINGO進行模型求解,以確定修復(fù)中心和再生鉛中心數(shù)量、位置。
[Abstract]:In recent years, as a new type of vehicle, electric bicycle is widely accepted as a new vehicle, with no fuel and exhaust emissions, low energy consumption, and environmental protection, and is gradually replacing motorcycles and bicycles. Become a popular means of transportation. Valve-controlled sealed lead battery electric bicycle not only meets the needs of consumers, but also the price can be accepted by consumers. It occupies more than 95% of the market share of electric bicycle. Under the background of the huge base of electric bicycle in China and the short service life of lead-acid battery and serious pollution, People begin to pay great attention to the reverse logistics of the waste lead-acid battery of electric bicycle. At the same time, in the fierce competition of enterprises today, resources have become the focus of competition among enterprises. It is necessary not only to establish a perfect distribution logistics network, but also to establish the reverse logistics network of the electric bicycle waste lead-acid battery. Based on the above mentioned, this paper mainly studies the construction of the electric bicycle waste lead-acid battery network. First of all, on the basis of the theory of extended producer responsibility system, circular economy, low-carbon economy, sustainable development theory, reverse logistics and network related theories. The basic idea of constructing reverse logistics network of used lead acid battery for electric bicycle is put forward. Secondly, the paper analyzes the current situation of the reverse logistics of the waste lead-acid batteries of electric bicycles in China, and the environment of constructing the reverse logistics network of the waste lead-acid batteries in the enterprises of electric bicycles. The network analysis method is used to select the optimal reverse logistics mode for the electric bicycle enterprises. Thirdly, on the basis of analyzing the function, structure and treatment flow of the waste lead-acid battery of electric bicycle, we construct a new method to consider the investment cost. The reverse logistics network of electric bicycle waste lead-acid battery with transportation cost and storage cost was established and the nonlinear mixed integer programming model was established to optimize the network. Finally, aiming at the electric bicycle enterprise A, selected the distributor of the enterprise in Hebei as the research object, through the investigation and research on the distribution network and operation status of 11 prefecture-level cities, collected and collated the data. In order to select suitable operation mode for reverse logistics of waste lead-acid batteries in Hebei Province, a reverse logistics network of waste lead-acid batteries was constructed and solved by using LINGO model to determine the number and location of repair centers and regenerated lead centers.


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