

發(fā)布時間:2018-03-29 18:57

  本文選題:新市鎮(zhèn)管理模式 切入點:DoDAF 出處:《天津大學》2014年碩士論文

[Abstract]:At present, with the development of economy, the change of internal environment and the challenge and opportunity of external environment, the urbanization of our country must put forward the innovative management mode, focusing on improving the quality of management. Entering a new stage of transformation and development. Combining with the emerging information technology, centralizing the material, geographical, human and intellectual resources in cities and towns, from comprehensive management, public security, civil affairs, public health, Housing and construction and many other departments and rural grassroots began to explore the innovation of urban social governance in an all-round way, combining with cloud computing, the Internet of things, big data and other emerging technologies. In view of this situation, this paper combines the methodology of DoDAF to design the overall framework of the new town management model, mainly accomplishing the following work: 1. The top-level framework of the municipal management model is put forward, and the design objectives, design methods, steps and main achievements of the field are described from the overall perspective, as the guidance of the following work. This paper puts forward the business flow analysis of the municipal management model. It mainly describes the related business flow involved in the field from the whole to the part, including the specific process and the related people, management organizations and departments, etc. Then take emergency and sanitation as an example to explain and describe concretely. Thirdly, the information flow analysis of the municipal management mode is put forward, and the basic data sets of different fields are refined, and the data models of the characteristics of different business requirements are extracted. At the same time, it also explains the situation of data exchange and sharing among various fields. Fourthly, the project structure analysis of the municipal management model is put forward, and the pilot project of the wisdom Huaming project is used as a pilot. The relationship between the entities of the town and the management model based on the cloud service platform are explained in this paper. Through the study of the management model of the new town, the Huaming New Town is used as a pilot, and the DoDAF methodology is used. All aspects of the new town management model are analyzed, the overall system framework design and special construction research, and there is a certain degree of scalability.


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