

發(fā)布時間:2018-03-26 17:00

  本文選題:投資決策方法 切入點:凈現(xiàn)值 出處:《石家莊鐵道大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:投資項目決策是建設(shè)項目前期重要工作,在項目建設(shè)中起到了非常重要的作用。投資項目決策方法的正確與否直接影響到項目建設(shè)的成敗以及項目的投資效益。然而,通過理論分析和實踐驗證(案例演算)表明,,現(xiàn)行投資決策方法存在諸多缺陷,這些缺陷直接影響了建設(shè)項目評價結(jié)論的客觀真實性。因此,有必要對多方案投資決策的經(jīng)濟評價理論進行深入的剖析和探討。 文章主要就目前投資決策理論體系中的評價指標(biāo)和方法存在的缺陷進行了分析,并針對這些缺陷結(jié)合其他學(xué)科理論和方法提出相應(yīng)的改進以及完善措施。 文章首先介紹了選題的意義、背景、國內(nèi)外研究現(xiàn)狀以及文章的主要思路和技術(shù)路線;其次,就建設(shè)項目評價理論體系進行了綜述;第三,文章對經(jīng)濟評價指標(biāo)以及互斥方案評價方法存在的缺陷進行了深入的剖析;第四,就評價指標(biāo)的缺陷提出了相應(yīng)的改進意見;最后,論文建立了模糊評判模型,綜合考慮建設(shè)項目各項評價內(nèi)容對互斥方案進行了優(yōu)選。
[Abstract]:Investment project decision - making is an important work in the early stage of the project , and plays a very important role in the project construction . The correctness of the decision - making method of the investment project directly affects the success or failure of the project construction and the investment benefit of the project . However , through theoretical analysis and practice verification ( case calculus ) , the present investment decision - making method has many defects which directly influence the objective reality of the evaluation conclusion of the construction project . Therefore , it is necessary to deeply analyze and discuss the economic evaluation theory of multi - scheme investment decision - making .

This paper mainly analyzes the defects of the evaluation indexes and methods in the current investment decision - making theory system , and puts forward corresponding improvement and improvement measures for these defects in combination with other subject theories and methods .

Firstly , the article introduces the significance , the background , the present situation of the research and the main thinking and technical route of the article .
Secondly , the paper summarizes the evaluation theory system of construction project ;
Thirdly , the article deeply analyzes the defects of the economic evaluation index and the evaluation method of mutual exclusion scheme ;
Fourthly , the corresponding improvement suggestions are put forward in terms of the defects of the evaluation indexes ;
Finally , the fuzzy evaluation model is established , and the mutual exclusion scheme is optimized considering the evaluation contents of the construction project .



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