

發(fā)布時間:2020-12-16 19:46
  隨著計算機網(wǎng)絡技術(shù)的發(fā)展,中國學生能夠方便地利用各種網(wǎng)絡視頻(如公開課、TED演講等)來學習專業(yè)知識,視頻材料也越來越頻繁地出現(xiàn)在中國的外語教學情境之中,因為視頻不僅能給學生提供更真實的、沉浸式的學習體驗,還能夠整合多種視覺信息(如圖片、講話者的手勢、字幕等)來輔助學習。近年來,語言測試從業(yè)者也正在嘗試將視頻運用于聽力測試當中,以提高考試的真實性(authenticity),從而進一步保證測試的效度。在現(xiàn)階段,基于視頻的聽力測試多出現(xiàn)在校本考試或課堂測試環(huán)境中,很少有大規(guī)模語言測試項目采用視頻聽力測試,其主要原因是,學界對視覺信息在聽力過程中的作用與影響尚未有足夠的了解。對此,國內(nèi)外已有許多實證研究圍繞視頻聽力測試展開,其研究話題包括視頻聽力和音頻聽力測試的對比(如Coniam 2001;Sueyoshi&Hardison 2005;Wagner 2006,2010b;Londe 2009;Suvorov 2013;Li 2013;Batty 2015等)、考生在視頻聽力測試過程中的認知行為(如Gruba 1999;Wagner 2007;Ockey 2007;Suvorov ... 

【文章來源】:浙江大學浙江省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直屬院校

【文章頁數(shù)】:203 頁


List of abbreviations
Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Background
    1.2 Purpose of the study
    1.3 Significance of the study
    1.4 Structure of the thesis
Chapter 2 Literature Review
    2.1 The definition of listening comprehension ability
    2.2 Theories of listening comprehension process
        2.2.1 Neurological models
        2.2.2 Psychological models
    2.3 The role of visual information in listening test
        2.3.1 Listeners’ video listening (vs. audio listening) test performance
        2.3.2 Listeners’ cognitive process in video-based listening test
        2.3.3 Listeners’ attitudes and perceptions about video-based listening test
        2.3.4 Research gaps
    2.4 The levels of comprehension in academic listening
        2.4.1 Theoretical perspectives
        2.4.2 Testing practices
    2.5 Research questions
    2.6 Summary
Chapter 3 Methodology
    3.1 Research design
    3.2 Participants
    3.3 Instruments
        3.3.1 Listening test one
   Lecture recording selection
   Item writing
   Item piloting
   Test counterbalancing
        3.3.2 Listening test two
        3.3.3 Post-test questionnaire
        3.3.4 Post-test focus-group interview questions
    3.4 Data collecting procedure
        3.4.1 Phase One
        3.4.2 Phase Two
    3.5 Data analysis
        3.5.1 Research Question One
        3.5.2 Research Question Two
        3.5.3 Research Question Three
    3.6 Summary
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion
    4.1 Multiple-choice measure
        4.1.1 The overall quality of listening test one (RQ1.1)
        4.1.2 Audio scores vs. video scores (RQ1.2)
        4.1.3 Interaction between input channel and question type (RQ1.3)
        4.1.4 Discussion on the results of multiple-choice measure
    4.2 Free notes measure
        4.2.1 The overall quality of free notes measure (RQ2.1)
        4.2.2 Audio notes vs. video notes (RQ2.2)
        4.2.3 Interaction between input channel and note type (RQ2.3)
        4.2.4 Discussion on the results of free notes measure
    4.3 Focus-group interview and questionnaire
        4.3.1 Perceptions on gist vs. detail understanding (RQ3.1)
        4.3.2 Perceptions on video vs. audio listening (RQ3.2)
        4.3.3 Preferences of video vs. audio listening (RQ3.3)
        4.3.4 Discussion on the results of focus-group interview and questionnaire
    4.4 Summary
Chapter 5 Conclusion
    5.1 Smmary of findings
    5.2 Implications
        5.2.1 Theoretical implications
        5.2.2 Practical implications
    5.3 Limitations and directions for future research
    5.4 Conclusion
    Appendix 1 Transcripts for the selected video recordings
    Appendix 2 The test booklets of listening test one–Version A
    Appendix 3 The test booklets of listening test two
    Appendix 4 Post-test questionnaire
    Appendix 5 Post-test focus-group interview questions
    Appendix 6 Information structure for mental illness lecture recording
    Appendix 7 Information structure for cancer drug lecture recording
    Appendix 8 A sample of notes scoring method
    Appendix 9 Transcripts of the focus-group interview

[1]多模態(tài)輸入對英語聽力理解的影響[D]. 李紅葉.復旦大學 2013




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