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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-21 01:37

  本文選題:智慧型課程 + 智慧教育; 參考:《江蘇師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Under the tide of the development of information technology, the educational idea and the way of education are undergoing profound changes. In order to adapt to the new requirements of the Internet era, improve learners' learning efficiency and improve their comprehensive quality and innovative ability, wisdom education came into being. Curriculum is the core of education, curriculum transformation is an important part of educational transformation, from traditional curriculum to intelligent curriculum is the general trend. The research on the theory and design of the intelligent curriculum is of great significance to the improvement of the theoretical system of the intelligent curriculum and the development and application of the curriculum. The research mainly includes the following contents: first, the relevant theories and components of intelligent curriculum. On the basis of research and discussion of related concepts and theoretical basis, this paper discusses the connotation and characteristics of intelligent curriculum, and determines its constituent elements, that is, the teaching and learning model, resources, learning evaluation and curriculum platform of intelligent curriculum. The mode of teaching and learning is the core element, and the innovative design of each element is the core of the scientific development of intelligent curriculum. Second, the study of the teaching and learning model of intelligent curriculum. This paper analyzes on the research and practice misunderstandings of the existing teaching and learning models, probes into the core and overall structure of the intelligent curriculum teaching and learning model, and designs the course of Modern Educational Technology. Third, the resource research of intelligent curriculum. This paper discusses the connotation and characteristics of intelligent curriculum resources, and analyzes the typical intellectual curriculum resources. Fourth, the study on the learning evaluation of intelligent curriculum. This paper discusses the characteristics and functions of learning evaluation of intelligent curriculum, and constructs the system structure of learning evaluation of intelligent curriculum. Fifth, the intellectual curriculum platform research. The curriculum platform of intelligent curriculum provides support for the teaching and learning activities of intelligent curriculum and is an important technical guarantee for the development of intelligent curriculum. This paper discusses the deficiency of the existing curriculum platform, analyzes the connotation and characteristics of the intelligent curriculum platform, and analyzes the function module, system management and curriculum management module for learners. In the aspect of adaptive module, the function module of intelligent curriculum platform is discussed.


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7 高,




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