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發(fā)布時間:2018-03-01 16:19

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 自帶設(shè)備 本土化 基礎(chǔ)教育應(yīng)用 利益相關(guān)者 SWOT 出處:《電化教育研究》2017年08期  論文類型:期刊論文

[Abstract]:The introduction of "self-contained equipment" into enterprises has been popularized. At present, students are gradually carrying their own equipment into school and carrying out mobile learning in basic education in the United States.Based on existing policies and macro data, After analyzing the possession of mobile devices in basic education and the environmental protection of their use, it is found that, from the situation of mobile devices and network connections that individuals can pay for, as well as the existing school information environment, It has provided the basic guarantee for realizing the educational application of "self-contained equipment". The attitude of community of interest to the application of "self-contained equipment" has been found that most schools and teachers do not agree that they should bring their own equipment into the campus. The main reason is the shortage of teaching resources available for mobile learning. On the basis of comprehensive analysis of objective conditions and subjective attitudes, this paper makes a strategic analysis of the basic education application of "self-contained equipment" by using the method of SWOT. We can see that there are obvious advantages for students, teachers and schools in the development of entering schools with their own equipment. However, in the actual implementation process, it is obvious that the understanding is not deep enough. It is necessary for teachers to change their concepts in evaluation, management and application of mobile learning.
【作者單位】: 南京師范大學(xué)教育科學(xué)學(xué)院;


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