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發(fā)布時間:2019-07-25 06:11
[Abstract]:Based on the consistency analysis of the four dimensions of knowledge breadth, knowledge depth, knowledge type and knowledge distribution balance, it is found that the mathematics test questions and curriculum standards of Q State Middle School entrance examination have good consistency in knowledge breadth, knowledge type and knowledge distribution balance, based on the consistency analysis of knowledge breadth, knowledge depth, knowledge type and knowledge distribution balance in Q state from 2012 to 2016. based on the consistency analysis of knowledge breadth, knowledge depth, knowledge type and knowledge distribution balance, it is found that the mathematics test questions of Q state middle school entrance examination are in good agreement with the curriculum standards. Q state middle school entrance examination mathematics test questions strengthen the ability in knowledge depth, enhance the selection function, and the mathematics proposition of middle school entrance examination in the post-education area is still in the adjustment stage. Therefore, educational practitioners need to avoid the guidance of middle school entrance examination questions to increase students' academic burden, and at the same time strengthen the construction of teachers in post-education areas.
【作者單位】: 貴州師范大學數(shù)學科學學院;貞豐中學;


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